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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Yeah, its pretty funny. Probably get a good laugh after you make it look like you're gonna do it all accurately and shit, then just sling the whole pack at it.
  2. Love this one, appeals to my sense of humor. WAZZ9IQS91Y
  3. Slip proof mats Not bad, you are, as Simon said, gonna roast in there though.
  4. Not 'very nice', but certainly close to it! Good idea.
  5. Oh, afaiknew they were air cons.
  6. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=99219 Bitch. ------ Some good pics there Samwell! SOOO wish i came
  7. Cheapest one in HomeBase is £50 (i think)
  8. That's a very nice site, love the flash!
  9. Hells yeah! Played for organising it.
  10. I remember from the controversy of denguras being copies of maguras, i think you have to specify why your idea is unique and which bits you can't copyright. Despite looking for about 10 mins, can't find the thread, or the link so feck it. There's a site somewhere which lists all patents, might have to look around there to see if your idea is already there. Ayone who knows the site, do feel free to link.
  11. Hmm, serial sites do tend to be layden (sp) with spyware etc, but i doubt it would attack exploerer. But explorer works now so there's no real problem. The internet business... Try going to command prompt (start>run>cmd) and typing 'ipconfig /renew' And possilbly, 'ping www.google.co.uk' to check if your computer can connect (kind of tricks the comp)
  12. Are you sure that what you were downloading is clean?
  13. DAVE I MOTHER f**kING LOVE YOU. I'll buy you a can of coke if i ride with you! That's how much i appreciate it!
  14. Trialspunk has 1 year, .com .de and MU, joe eldings considering getting it.
  15. SRSLY? I dunno, i see tits at the bottom, and eyes, and a nose and hair and ears? I'm sure it'll be so obvious when you tell us what it really is...
  16. Is that meant to be like, ear sex or something?
  17. ..........................^ What about ( . )||( . ) .........................0o titwank. lol.
  18. Probably advisable to see your local solicitors mr simpson.
  19. (*) is right, i'm fairly sure. Nice to hear you had a nice time.
  20. Proxy, but it majorly slashes the download speed. Buy Premium.
  21. So pissed off about not going. Will DEFFO have to go next year! Can't wait!
  22. Again, while we're on topic, anyone know any codecs that will help with smoother playback? K lite or something comes to mind...
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