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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. I've got experience I fix ALL the kids shit bikes around here (typical halfords bikes, apollo, RUPTION!!! etc) I'm pretty good anyway, i don't think there's anything on a bike i can't change/fix, unless it's snapped in half.
  2. And the bush thing below was all stabby.
  3. I think i'm gonna go try get a job in hellfrauds tomorrow, lets hope they have some vacancies. Any tips? Specificially for hellfrauds? (bike hut part would be ideal)
  4. all my tunes in html format, so like, put it on your myspace, and click preview, you'll see it. (attached file) Actually, i'll put it on my myspace. Check the heros part. http://www.myspace.com/sexyglen f**ks sake. Just know, i have a lot of good tunes.
  5. Yup, he is rather good. Grade 8 if i remember rightly.
  6. Obviously haven't heard Hendrixmaster play the guitar then, Mat?
  7. Why do people always say she humps him? Unless there's something you're not telling us, Tom?
  8. Wouldn't mind, if i can get trains easily there from waterloo i might try and attend.
  9. Hell yeah... I'll send you some on msn? Oh yeah, speaking of porn n stuff, i learnt how to hide files (porn) in pics. Opens like a normal pic, edits like a normal pic, but when the file extension is right, it will open up and show me the porn0z.
  10. 8 quid a year, including rapidshare.de and MU.com And access to the vip forums...
  11. Yeah, don't think i've ever used kazaa, and rarely used torrents a while ago. All about rapidshare premium now
  12. Oh, i never knew about all that shit, just played it, button bashed and stuff.
  13. For once, i agree. This is blatantly him trying his luck. Note how the sign up link is his refferal link.
  14. OHH YES! Darren, get your hands lubed up, and my back is very hairy! WEEEE I WIN! I know it says otherwise, but yeah. Who is Darren Lee Hill anyway?
  15. I wouldn't use them anymore, they may be forced to track the users of the search sites, which means you might end up getting caught.
  16. I have pubes, and it didn't take me 8 hours, i don't think i've played the game for more than 8 hours in my whole life.
  17. If you can put the router in the open, and be in the open when you're in the barn (contradicting) the signals will reach. They will only go about 30m if theres anything in the way, but once it's out in the open, i heard it can go up to 3km. No promises though.
  18. They don't look THAT bad when they're on ones feet. But, why are they so comfortable? What special features have they got?
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