yes ssman juist been to a uni p[aryy, 19th and it was full of atout 20 drunk fgirls, seriously could have scofrd, people werre askin if i ws l,egal and my sistrer thought i wasd 16 so they were told i erwwas, they gacve me like 5 mNS size cosdkax adn then had a couple of bveeers (agter sytealing it dfrom the main partyu and took it ndback to anothertg p;lacr,e was totally awersome wish i was stgilll 6 therte, was aezome, the main birsd that i could hav3e scoresdc with wqas in a french mainds outsifit (was a gancy dress paerty k,infa) w2as f**king hotttttttttttttttttttt, then cos they had a beer wasterr fights she was walkin aroun din a t shirt which barely coverrtd her n cnice uncrtwaer, what a night thop makes me qwanna go to uni, was f**kin awesome. riding tomreo on rocks whcih miugbhg be a huge hallengfer, but yeh... AWESO?ME nigbhtm, wish i hadnt have levf.