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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Anyone remember the 6 piston disc brake a while back? It's lever must have a huge resivoir, which would be enough to power 2 discs. But, the thing Tart found you looks quite promising, would probably beast up a normal magura for some serious breaking.
  2. The pics dead, it's been taken off where it was linked too.
  3. They ride like shit. I joke, they ride quite nicely, but any half decent bike rides nicely compared to mine. Looks good too.
  4. F - Fat P- Pants. Boredom sucks, eh.
  5. Some random newsletter that you got cos you went on the MBUK forums ***. Looks cool, not sure about it though, i wanna see it in action.
  6. This means i'll be getting our summer possibly tomorrow, yay!
  7. Dangnabit, i really like to have discussions on stuff like this, in a non geeky way, but f**k typing all of my thoughts. I think we should meet up at some conference room in central london , but seriously, i've had conversations like this for 2 hrs+ just about nuclear war/'nukes'. In short, we won't find the end of the universe for a good few 10000 years. You'd also need to catch up with the edge if it is 'expanding' and keep up with it, which would be a massive problem for technology today.
  8. Yeah, you probably know Simon? TheChink on here i think, he sort of wants to get out riding, he has been out once or twice in the last few months, i think. Erm, i dunno how far back you go in trials, but Nick and Ben still ride, Ben's always around usually, so he rides a fair bit but Nick goes to uni in term times which leaves me and Ben, and that's it. I don't quite know who else, but Franky rode past and stopped when me and Ben were riding, he might be coming out again, but he's sort of a bmxer now. Think that's about it, that's who might be coming out anyway. (Not sure if you know them names or not?) Basically, i'm the new recruit (of nearly 1 year) so you won't have seen me before.
  9. Wow, i thought onza were keeping big seat tubes and a not so low stand over height, obviously not! Really like the mod, looks very 'with the times' and the stock is real nice too. Colour is cool too, a lot better than the current. Well done.
  10. Say someone pikeyed your non bald tyres and swapped them for their nova's bald ones or something. On a serious note, i really don't think you get points for each tyre, i don't even think you get points for that, i thought it was a sort of fixed penalty/ notice where you HAD to get it done within 14 days or something, and if you hadn't done it then they'd take action.
  11. You obviously don't know the way forward, Charlie.
  12. Brilliant observation, definetly a crack.
  13. And where could one find that please Ad?
  14. lol, the free beer and bbq was there as bait, to get people to come? Bet you got some slappps.
  15. Ruse, probably got the frame from the tarts, and he sort of rides for thinkbikes.
  16. Word, makes it look so halfords. And as said, BMX's unfortunately lose soooo much value once they've been used.
  17. Cough cough, Joe, that's plain unfair! Thief!
  18. These frames are light as absolute f**k! 1.15kg for the mod frame, that's like, half some of the decent frames! I reallllyyy want one, they're so nice. Tarty Adams monty with this frame would make it sub 8kg. I wanttt No dorrah though, and b'day = bmx so no money then.
  20. Have a go with a flipped over adapter? Might work?
  21. YAY YAY YAY! Means i'll be going to this when it's put back on when ever, maybe this sunday boyos? And yeah, realllly weren't the right weekend was it
  22. Come to Bromley, or West Wickham The people i ride with (all 2 of them!) said they haven't riden there for agesss, but might have to go one day.
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