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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Maths: D English: E Science: D History: F Media (a part of English): G Design & Tech: Resistant materials - D, Graphics products - C Art: F f**kING f**k.
  2. f**k. fanny. 1387 MATHEMATICS (LINEAR) D 1536 SCIENCE:DBL.AWARD B D 1537 SCIENCE:DBL.AWARD B D 1972 DESIGN & TECH.GRAPH.PRODS C 1973 DESIGN & TECH. RMT D More soon, they're just the ones i got online. I did shit. BOLLOCKS.
  3. You should be at this one too young man.
  4. Pfft@ Donkey, you have to make your own thread! haha I jest, happy birthday Donkey boy, and all that stuff like i hope you get what you want etc.
  5. Don't neglect this ride bitches, it's just as important as the one on the 9th.
  6. Should be going Lee fest, should be good, been to a similar thing before, had some real fun.
  7. Waterloo is definetly the closest, i's about a 2 min ride to the meeting point! I get in at 10:47 usually so if you get in around then i can wait/you can wait for me and i'll take you all there.
  8. Take the alt bit out for a start because it's gay, try that. And try having a / before the end > EDIT: Seems the / isn't right, don't worry about that bit. I thought ebay didn't let you have offsite pics in the description n stuff? To stop people from getting around hosting charges.
  9. So that's why your bike creaks so f**king much! Joe Rothwell snapped his 3 times within a short time period (a week or something), i've never used one though.
  10. What text? As if it doesn't recognise html? Pics?
  11. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=103132
  12. I'm sure it's <img src="www.picture.com/link.jpg"/> ? EDIT: Hmm, doesn't look right now, meh, could give it a try anyway.
  13. LOL, well played, sig. I think Adams phrase is right though, it's the only thing they've got going for them. It's the same thing with me, i look mega sexy through frosted glass, but you know, when i'm not behind frosted glass it all goes tits up.
  14. Get a blue (same blue as the front hub) hub on the back and it will be very sexy. Nice as it is though.
  15. That's what made it funny, if i hadn't seen that before i watched it i wouldn't have laughed at all. Funny vid.
  16. I don't have MU premium atm, which means i have to wait a whole 45 seconds and probably have a shit speed, but i'll download it anyway. f**king misunderstandings, i don't have vip for a week too.
  17. Orpington?! That's local to me, and i don't know of any other Orpingtons in the UK. Did it rain a lot then? Kinda glad i didn't go now if it did . I reckon it kept raining in Whits, which must mean it must be really quite flooded now. Yup, London should be good!
  18. Cool vid, liked the music, went well. Some good riding, i think Porters first line is one of the best i've seen in a while. Koxx Days looked fun, what a super dab on that rock, you've got 5 to use so why not use them, then the freewheel f**king was hilarious, fairl play to him for trying to continue.
  19. Oh my God. That is one of the most beastiest videos i've ever watched, the riding was f**king HUGE. Absolutley brilliant. I still can't get over how good all you riders are! Are you like top in the country? Or are you all that immensely good?
  20. thinkbikes. Really cool vids, always a pleasure watching them.
  21. Having programs open does f**k all, unless they use the internet, in which case, it will slow the internet down. Bah, i hate that misconception. Kris noes it. It's the servers being gay, sometimes it happens. It's really pissing me off.
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