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Everything posted by ritch_trialsuk

  1. cheers chaps haha yeh she was a big old girl really easy for that to go badly wrong was properly scared looked horrendous from the top Yes i used to mate lol no idea why hopefully dont do it anymore
  2. Hi chaps I did post this a while back but as people seem to like the old school stuff here it is again. Cheers
  3. Cheers lads Booked 2 weeks off in start of May to put try put an edit together of old school Leeson trials along with DH and mototrials Think very very very (x10) poor mans Chris Akrigg haha if it comes together and looks ok I'll post it up cheers
  4. Hi chaps Couple of clips from the other night on the old 660 Anyone else loving this dry weather! Cheers James
  5. ah cheers lads! hi mate. bit of a mix, Sharp tor, Bearah tor, Kilmar tor and Trewortha tor. So much amazing stuff there we've ridden there for 10 years and still find new stuff. I live in Minions so pretty lucky to have so much amazing trials so close. Stoked with that mate made my day! cheers Ritch
  6. Hi lads I only ride trials occasionally now as I now ride DH but I thought I'd cobble together a few clips from last few years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCdCuKEmOxY&list=UULHZNY-AnQhSWEL1QM8vdDA All a bit old school but thought someone might enjoy it Cheers Ritch
  7. one of the most impressive riding i have ever seen. absolutely insane skill level, akrigg is one of the best all round riders in the world i reckon. totally inspired.
  8. First guy was good but the style was horrible imho. This is the gnarliest, most immense bmx street vid I have ever seen. What a meathead and got some serious talent in there as well. Some of those moves were so tech but into 8-10ft drops. Best thing I have seen in ages. Loved the guy with the freecoaster as well, super smooth awesome style and some of those step lines were really sweet.
  9. Yeh definately mate well up for that. Just drop us an email ritch@trials-uk.com. Cheers
  10. ahhhh never seen that absolutely sick move from mr tongue! cheers for uploadin good stuff
  11. Cheers for the comments, bit suprised to be honest i thought we might get shot down in flames for the old skool ridin / bikes When i said the track was one of their more mellow tracks i meant compared to most of their other stuff! i appreciate its not exactly jacky johnson If anyone wants to see some more of the epic natural riding spots were lucky enough to have on our doorstep check out the photos on the website. Cheers
  12. IMHO ur setup is absolutely fine, just stick with what u got and practise simple as that. As long as ur brakes are good enough to lock thats all you need to learn the basics I reckon. Also enjoy the learning process its the best part of ridin! get out with a load of mates and just piss around thats the best way, much better than robotically learning each technique. again all just my opinion i might be completely wrong
  13. Hi mate I started on a giant duo shock full sus and learnt bunnyhops / 180s / endos / backhops / chaintensions (lurches i think there called now) etc, everyone i rode with had either bmxs, 16 / 17" mountain bikes, just my personal opinion but I would say stay off a purpose built trials bike for as long as poss, ur bike looks fine to me. I would get out every day practise everything including dirt jumping, ride some xc, freeride and just generally thrash the bike around have some fun. the more time u spend doing that the better a rider ul be in the future because you will have much better all round bike control, big range of skills which will help big time in trials and usually better style imho. With regards to ur bunnyhop technique, u got the hard bit done as one of the other guys said which is lifting the back end up without using the brakes. now u gotta learn the american bunnyhop or thats what it was called in my day. I know what you mean about the manual and being in the wrong position to bunnyhop, thats why bunnyhops out of a manual are really damn hard to go big! By the sounds of that your leaning too far back, ur so far back you cant lift with ur feet which makes sense. I wouldnt say you need to explode upwards more that you need to be in a position to bring the bike up underneath you once the front wheel is off the ground if that makes sense. Try riding along slow jogging pace, pull up the front nice and hard and shift your weight back, but as the front comes up snap ur weight forward which should allow you to lift with your feet and try bring the bike up underneath you. jesus this is hard to explain! maybe try bunnyhopping up a curb might make it easier than just doing it on the flat. This also might be worth a try: roll along nice and slow, do a small endo (back wheel only a few inches off the ground) and lock both brakes, as your back wheel lands lean back and pull back on the bars which should bring the front up nice and fast. Once the front wheel is say a 1-2ft off the ground (hard to measure it will feel right) still leaning back lift hard on your pedals (like you do in ur video) and bike should launch up and backwards and you should land both wheels at the same time or slightly back wheel first. This might help you get used to the feeling of lifting the back when your fronts up high and will definately help you learn the backhop when you get there. anyway sorry if none of that made sense, best thing to do is get out and ride ride ride, u will get the techniques just a case of practise. cheers
  14. Awesome! I prob watched that vid 100 times back in the day. i really miss the days of revolution, evolve, tricks and stunts etc. Thing is though give them a 16" cannondale with old school tyres see how they get on totally different ball game i reckon. one of my mates stuck an el gato on the back the other day just to see how it was and he was struggling big time, and that was a damn good tyre only few years ago. the new super grippy tyres make soooooooo much difference let alone the new bikes. anyone got any hans rey footage? What was the how to video they did? now that was immense on the GT zaskar. wat a legend.
  15. Hi lads Decided to chuck a vid together: Download link (Servers a bit slow but hopefully it will download ok) Me and Ross have had a tough time of injuries / bike breakages and riding a lot of downhill / freeride over the last year but finally starting to get back on track on the trials front. I had loads of clips kicking around so I thought why not Track is Slipknot - Duality (one of their more mellow tracks lol), riders are ross tucker - grey leeson 660, glynn - monty, me - black leeson 660. Hopefully now the bikes and the bodies seem to be holding out we should get some much bigger stuff on the go with some nice innovative stuff and much more of Glynn. I know alot of people are gonna say why the f!*%* are they still riding the old steel leesons, we'l never change love the bikes too much so much fun to ride imho. Comments welcome Cheers all
  16. Can i be the first (i think) to say i really like the music, love the heavy stuff it also goes perfectly with the riding. The editing is awesome as well. WTF dude how tall are you thats insane? I've always tried not to get too bulky and heavy because I thought it would hamper the trials riding, on the evidence of video 7 i think im gonna have to have a rethink! lol off to the gym cheers
  17. Absolutely awesome vid, top notch The last sidehop was absolutely sick and super smooth. im not a big fan of the new skool trials riding on the new crazy bikes but you ride with bucket loads of style and agression which makes it all so good to watch. cant wait for vid 8
  18. dude come on ur obviously a good rider with some talent there (lovin some of the moves) but u gotta chill man this is all gettin a bit technical, jesus u remind me of the guys in college who just wanted to fight the system! lol i can see where the guys are comin from when they say get a Bmx. Its hard to explain but i think too most people ur style of ridin just looks so much better on a bmx, the key words there are 'too most people' its all personal taste / opinion. Personally its the same for me when I see people on 26" bikes in skate parks doing grinds and riding the ramps, it looks wrong and a pretty ugly imho. Similarly i dont like the new skool long bikes with all the relentless sidehopping (dont tear me down boys just my opinion ), give me mr tongue flowin through a line over mr hermance busting a 52.345632 in sidehop every single day of the week. (Now whos fighting the system! ) That said at the end of the day its not what u ride on what bike or indeed how many millimeters u can sidehop, its about having a big smile on ur face and lovin ridin Im off to go and have another bash at 180's out of manuals Cheers Ritch www.trials-uk.com
  19. Hi lads Has anyone got any trialkings photos on an old drive or cd tucked away somewhere? They didnt do many but did do quite a few photos on the Brisa's and I cant find them anywhere on the net. I had them but lost them when a hard drive gave up. If you have got any could you post em up or email them to ritch@trials-uk.com Cheers Ritch www.trials-uk.com
  20. massive wall, mental from a pallet, knowin ackrigg he'l make it! have to agree there matey, trialskings were the first of the new school in my opinion, first ones to go for this absolutely balls out do or die street riding! old skool for me you gotta look at Ot Pi back in the day, or bit later Ashton on the 16" cannondale, those guys deserve some serious respect. I found this vid on youtube, true old skool, remember watching it when I first started riding trials, absolutely mind blowing at the time, check it out if you havent already seen it :
  21. Ah awesome ok mate cheers for that. I might file the bashring away instead to stop any damage to the chain. My chain did come with a split link but I didnt use it, but cheers for the info. Cheers for all the help, hopefully with a bit of filling it'l fit nicely.
  22. Definately catches on the bashring, every 2-3 pedal strokes. I was thinking of possibly putting in very thin washers between the front sprocket and the crank body? That could work and wouldnt effect the chain-line hardly at all. Until I get it sorted I am riding with my old faithful PC58 Being a Leeson rider I am used to working with 0.00001 mm's of clearence on various crucial components any other ideas?
  23. Hi people I have had a good search through the forum for this problem but no joy so I wonder if anyone can help. I have bought a KHE collapse chain, absolute beast. After a serious battle to get it to work with my chain tool I fitted her on and all seemed ok. However when pedaling the chain seems to catch on the bashring presumably due to the fact it can move from side to side on my standard sprockets. I have a Leeson 660 with standard middleburn 20t front sprocket, machined down middleburn bashring and RS7 cranks. Do you need thicker sprockets to run these BMX chains? Anyone else had the problem? I also read in a post that the KHE collapse wont break, I watched Glynn (realriding) just miss a pretty meaty sidehop and landed hard on the drive side, think he landed on the chain because next sidehop bang flipped it over the front, chain gone, wat was really crazy is the chain wasnt broken, no links broken at all!!! didnt make any sense then and still doesnt lol that was with a brand new collapse. prob just unlucky, or Glynn not bothering to put the pin back in or something Any help would be ideal. Cheers all Ritch
  24. Cheers James. Its called cheesewring, up on Bodmin moor. Pretty sweet place to ride. The only problem is its very rarely dry apart from the summer and the rocks are so damn slippery when its wet. All good fun though. Hi mate. Thats what a lot of people said originally. Im about 5, 10". Thing is I love the Leeson so much id be a bit lost of a really long bike. I also ride BMX which is even shorter. I think as long as I warm / stretch up and down really well it should be fine. Back problems are an absolute bitch, cant do anything without aggrevating a bad back.
  25. Cheers dude, bikes pretty old school compared to all these new crazy bikes but i absolutely love it. Well had a few bad crashes where the brake slipped out during a gap to a wall, landed on the base of my back on the edge of the wall, then another bigger gap with another flip out. All seemed ok but then in the winter I went for a ride, when I came back it suddenly seized up, couldnt bend forward at all. That went away quite quick after about a week then about a month later did a 90' pedal up onto a 2ft wall :$ and the back just went, big time! Couldnt walk for about a week, and months of constant pain. Basically i dont think the flip out crashes were to blame, i think lack of stretching and warming up was the main cause, really stupid i know but i suspect i am not the only one to not properly warm / stretch up before riding. When ur 15 - 20 years old u can prob get away with it, but im 22 now not able to take the abuse that i used to.
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