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Sam F

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Everything posted by Sam F

  1. Haha that would be the retro of trials if someone had one of them. Sam.
  2. Must be validated. Sam.
  3. Good for a first vid just hated the music Sam.
  4. Cool! But who do i believe Bhups or Saracen?
  5. Well like all the time i was bored and i just thought to myself who invented trials? And because i didn't know i thought i'd ask some of the trials riders Sam.
  6. But then its only gonna sit in my garage 4 a year and by then ill have birthday money and if anything did happen i'd just buy a new 1..
  7. Haha i do like it i just like the echo team..
  8. I got an Aorta atm. And i really like the echo teams but im not sure which is best can anyone put some sense into my brain about that please? Sam.
  9. Woop Woop! i got 1 and its smoothhhhhh =)
  10. Welcome mate, i hope you have a nice stay in the forum.
  11. Loved the vid man. I loved the way how you video'd the shadow and when you tryed that rail gap and buggered up on the second one and then you rewinded it and done it properly i really like it! Nice one! Keep it up! Sam.
  12. Well personally i think learning to backhop is good to start off with because i made the mistake of just trying to trials hop without back hopping and i've got to the stage where i would be going to gap or somthing but i can't keep my balance in the air and i just fall so i made a mistake there but thats my aim at the moment is to learn to backhop. Sam.
  13. Cheer at chelsea!! lol i mean the t-mag.
  14. That bike is really nice! good for an amatur and beginner i'd say.
  15. Sam F


    Bump just basically means Bring Up My Post so if you are looking for something in the Wtd/Fs forum or you want to know something then it moves your topic to the top so people can see it Sam.
  16. I've never heard of it but it does look nice and i like the way you color co-ordinated it, it looks really nice
  17. Haha! that looks great fun! Wish i was there to experience it Funny topic atlast nice one. Sam.
  18. Jelousy! im 13 and i have been riding for about 1 month now and like hes a beast! keep it up! Tom!
  19. Well while in adobe you can press play and preview it and it does it then.
  20. Well basically i took a few clips of me doing trials ofc and when i play them seperatly its fine but as soon as i join them together with adobe premier pro it goes all fuzzy and green and that can anyone please help? Sam
  21. Well basically i have an aorta with good stuff and that on what would be easier to learn on the aorta or an 05 mission frame?
  22. They are the bomb! i ordered over £100 pounds worth off stuff the other day and it was my first order from there and they said it could come wednesday but safeside thursday and it all came on wednesday! defently order from them!
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