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Sam F

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Everything posted by Sam F

  1. I know it's not really a supercar but a db9 are just soo sexy.. my dad was going to get one but ression and all that.
  2. Hmm.. what one would people recommend?
  3. Shut up you, He's the one i'm ment to be buying it off.
  4. I've done a search and found nothing so don't get on the bandwagon, now for my question. Just wondering if the monty freewheels are any good? 72 pawl one £40 on tarty. Just want questions answered like, do they slip/skip alot and any other problems that go with them can you please tell me. Thanks, Sam.
  5. Alex.. they are right, you don't ride much.. most i see you do is drop off wall about once or twice and thats about it.
  6. Your a cock. Anyway, just post and wait until you get validated mate and have a look around the For-Sale topic, some great bikes on there for very low prices.
  7. Probably about 7 quid then the NHS charge. Get some petrol and a lighter and your on your way.
  8. If Christopher is willing to come and drive i may be up for it.. he doesnt get back from work till about 6 though.
  9. It's black.. what do you want me to say?
  10. Haha, shut up fatty.. its not cracked don't worry Jordan lol. HAHA, MY KO BIKE ***! Looks sweet as f**k man.. nice one.
  11. I think i love you middleageman.
  12. Sam F

    Dan Ko

    Better tell 'em to leave now.
  13. I live near gillingham and if it's who i think it is then hes a cocky little dickhead. I hate him with a passion. He rarely comes up to my local area though. Edit : Ok, it's not him.
  14. Sam F

    Dan Ko

    He seems to of deleted facebook or just un-added everyone that's part of trials-forum. I honestly do believe hes quit now.
  15. Chill man.. bloody hell.. just because your a fag and can't handle it don't call us animals.
  16. Atleast Ali is useful in another way while his foot/ankle area is busted.
  17. By the looks of things the sprocket goes further in.. he's just put it on to weigh it.
  18. Sam F

    Road Cycling

    My DOB lol, yeah earlier the better really.. kid wants me to send it off pretty quick.
  19. Sam F

    Road Cycling

    - BEERS NOT GEARS! FAT PANTS™ says: *means u can brake better with ur legs - silence. says: *i got a brake? - BEERS NOT GEARS! FAT PANTS™ says: *and then eventually learn to skid - silence. says: *i dont want to skid f**king idiot. Rob.. need my ko helicoiled.. as i've sold it.. so how much? what time? i'm not at school and if you laugh i'll cry so pick your choice.
  20. Sam F

    Road Cycling

    Me.. tricks? Like f**k.. i use it for fitness/commuting/getting fresh air/for when i'm bored i just go for a ride. It's sooo fun.
  21. Look nice as a whole.. Not SL Rims mate..
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