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About yyyman

  • Birthday 01/10/1965

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    yoga<br />martial arts<br />supermoto<br />pilates
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  • Real Name
    mark jones
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    zoo python 20'' pashley 26''

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Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Just got this It’s happening Need some help to get it done Wish julian was here Dear Mark, The team building the new BMX facilities at Thorpe Way would like to give an opportunity for all local BMX/Trails enthusiasts to have an input into how the scheme develops. They have set up the morning of the 21st July, from 8am onwards for any amateur/expert trial's/BMX'ers to visit them on- site to discuss what they would like to see built. The facility aims to provide a BMX/Trails activity for all age groups and levels of experience, providing mixed levels of challenges, whilst remaining safe and maintainable. I would be grateful if you could please pass this message on to other people who enjoy, and have an interest in this particular activity, such as the local experts you mentioned when we last met. I hope you and others will be able to take this opportunity to chat with the constructors and look forward to hearing from you. Best regards Justin Justin Marsh Recreation Officer - Growth Projects Active Communities Cambridge City Council Hobson House Direct Dial 01223 457537 Mobile 07825504428
  2. The £200grand contract has been given out http://www.cambridge.gov.uk/ccm/content/co...eighbourhood.en Click here You can now view a poster that illustrates the upcoming changes to the recreation facilities at Thorpe Way. SO we will have the contractors asking what we want!? That was my idea However I dont know anything I think this is a great opportunity All we got is Julian’s plans The councillors will probably refer the contactors to me I will get advice from Jay the BMX man Could really do with some help ideas guidance from a trials man What do you want? Any ideas? Wish Julian was about!!!!!
  3. its a £200 GRAND contract for the swings and stuff most of the plans put forward were bmx based the outcome of the meet was to get the contactors to work with an advisor to build what we/they want a bmx track a trials park/adventure playground some of the health and safety issues are bizarre! can we get some pics of other trials parks? not this one http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=118084 health and saftey wont like it!
  4. Dear Mark, I am writing to you to ask if you are still interested in helping us evaluate BMX track designs for Thorpe Way? We have 6 possible designs and would be glad to include your comments and preferences in the process. The designs will be made available to appointed evaluators at the City Council Customer Centre on Regent St. every day next week (2nd-6th) and I would like to invite you along. You may wish to bring a BMX colleague, I remember you mentioned your friends who run the website?[JULIAN] If you could let me know what day and time is best for you and I shall make the arrangements. I look forward to hearing from you Best regards Justin JUST GOT THIS BACK FROM THE COUNCIL I WILL GO SEE NEXT WEEK COULD DO WITH A LOCAL TRIALS MAN TO HELP OUT WITH OPINIONS I'M NOT DOING MUCH BIKE TRIALS NOW AS I HAVE 4 MOTORBIKES AND AM RACING SUPERMOTO BEEN INVITED TO SPEND THIS WEEKEND AT BRANDS HATCH WITH cHRISTIAN iDDON NOW THATS VERY COOL
  5. Contractors have been given the go ahead to build a trials park/bmx track on thorpe way cambridge. unfortunatly julian from trash zen is away. the contractors will need advising! Any one local? heres what julian sujjested the pic is from the site http://s210.photobucket.com/albums/bb8/bhi..._1545_12524.jpg
  6. http://www.dailymotion.com/visited/search/...1q_nosewheeling
  7. as above! i got depressed trying to backhop as a begginer.
  8. on the dvd art of trials he mentions to check out ''mastering the mind game of riding'' what is it a book?
  9. i am interested in a trials type game which would be best for my xbox/pc
  10. hi i'm that 41 year old. i'm lovin it. infact i'm a professional bodyworker yoga/pilates teacher and i find trials riding to be such a healthy thing to do! body mind and soul!!!!!!
  11. ive got alot of info from this thread http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=82605 i now know what the man means by 'maybe its to good for you' my stem and bars were in mint condition now after 3/4 days they aint! got dents and scratches which seems a shame. ive also got replies from http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=82607 long and short the pros and cons did i get the right bike? im having second thoughts
  12. oh well i got the bike with out knowing anything about the above! whats uci style? now im depressed i'v got the wrong bike
  13. http://www.trashzen.com THE WEBSITE
  14. i have searched the video section some good viewing but no pythons as yet thanks thanks i just put craigleescott into google and found loads of vids
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