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Everything posted by Spank

  1. erm....it seems to have fixed itself, went for a ride on it this afternoon to see if there was anything else that needed doing. The small list is : fix gear changing, tighten saddle ( yes i have a saddle) and tighten and sort my back brakes out.
  2. yes...they do move when i spin them backwards....and the chain tensioner is a sprung one (assuming this means that it springs around to keep the chain tight)
  3. heya, i managed to get hold of a bike, its a DDG Shooter (so dont all groan at once ) but i am having problems fitting the back wheel. now with my little experience i would like answers in a form i can understand cos i aint to bright on this subject yet . The problem is that the back wheel does not spin freely when i turn it by hand, it will take the chain and pedals with it, then when i hold the pedals to stop them moving the back wheel carries on moving, making the chain go slak and come off. i hope that made sense to you, but like i say, am new and would really appreciate someone helping me get out riding again
  4. thanks for all the help guys, just to let you all know i have got hold of a DDG Shooter. i will post pictures and specs when i have gotten it delivered.
  5. as far as mod and stock go...is there any real disadvantage to a taller person using a mod? or just that it looks silly? cos i look silly most of the time anyway
  6. awwwww , i got outbid. i was at work so i couldnt watch over it until the end. so i am back in the market for a bike. probably just means i will be able to get a little more money for one. any suggestions as to where else to look?
  7. those capsules dont taste too nice either....they leave a nasty after taste so take em with something that has a taste to it, i wouldnt recommend alcohol though
  8. thanks for all the help so far guys, really appreciate it. all i have to do now is save up enough money to buy a bike and helmet, which shouldn't take too long. what do you think of this on i have spied on ebay, the only thing putting me off it is the low price at the minute, probably haves faults. And i do realise i would need to lower the seat to the frame http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DDG-shooter-black-tr...1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Ingrowing Toenails can get very nasty if you dont see to them immediatly. I had mine for 5 years before i went to seek help of a proper chiropodist, not one of these NHS jobbies . During the time that i had mine i tried to do a DIY fixxism (is that a word?) and it just got worse each time i tried it. I had them on BOTH big toes and so walking was a problem for me. but the worst thing about it was that i had them from the age of 13 through until i was 18, so i never really got to do the things i liked doing, like playing football. I would recommend you go see a proper chiropodist, for all you have heard about it being painful it really isnt. The nurse just numbed my big toes and went right away at cutting them out. If you are squimish then take a newspaper or a book with you to read so you dont have to watch what the doctor is doing. you will feel the benefits in the end.
  10. heya, so a 26" stock would be better for me because of my height? i will scour ebay for something that looks semi decent, and hopefully i will find one, but i will run it pastyou guys before i bid, to see what you think of it. Are prett ymuch all bikes upgradable? cheers simon
  11. Hey everyone My name is simon, and i know nothing about any sort of bike. Now i have that out in the open i would like some help in starting casual trials biking. I live in the north east of england, with the mackem contingient in sunderland, and have recently been interested in getting a mountain bike for just riding around on, trying to get a little exercise whilst doing so wouldnt hurt either . but whilst searching around the internet for something that is affordable i came across trials bikes. i remember watching moto trials when i was very little and got a little interested in it , but since then i sort of forgot about it as i grew older, i am now 19. but like i say, i came across trials bikes when i was looking for a mountain bike, and thought it looked like fun, the added risk involved also appeals to me too. since i am 19, i dont really know if it is too late for me to start or if my asthma will restrict me from trying to take part. but i would really like to see if i can actually acomplish it if i set my mind to doing it. since i know nothing about these sorts of bikes i wouldnt know what would be a good starter for a complete novice who would like to learn how to upgrade, ride and trial on a bike. i am 6ft4" tall and last time i checked i weighed between 12 and 13 stone. my budget is quite small being between £150 and £300, but would be able to upgrade as i got better. i dont know if this post made any sense to you, hopefully it did and i can soon start a long trials adventure any sort of help or advice would be great thanks, simon
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