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Daniel Wood

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  • Real Name
    Daniel Wood
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Daniel Wood's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Man, i suck. Why do people say six weeks? It's four and a half. Anyway that was a good day...There should be more days like that one. Dan.
  2. If you have the cash, i'd suggest getting an Onza t-rex, Onza's rock for starting on. I'd say get a 20" Onza but because your 6ft4" it would look a little strange. Heres a link for you, Tartybikes The Onza T-Rex Spec 1 is what i suggest you get, but take a look around find one you like.
  3. Hmm, it's not bad, love the name though lol. I think the best trials bike to start on is any Onza 20" (mod). I've been trials biking about a week now, so i may not know what im talking about but ive progressed pretty well on an Onza.
  4. There are some good green Hs33's at www.tartybikes.com, They look pretty sweet
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