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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Im not retarded :) I know how to view hidden folders! And like I said... I've already done all the usual thangs to remove it.. so errm anyone? P.S. thanks anyway :)
  2. Yo yo! I've got some problems with a shortcut that has appeared on my desktop called 'Install WinFixer 2005'. I have tried deleting it but it comes back on reboot and starts automatically installing it.. only Ctrl+Alt+Del stops it installing. The shortcut links to... "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\UWFX5LP_0001_0803NetInstaller.exe" However when i go to that directory there is nowt there!! Any ideas? I have tried spyware killers, virus checkers... all sorts! Cheers guys :)
  3. Highway code isn't ACTUALLY the law though... It's guidlines. Because they do cross country and road racing? Far more demanding and in some respects more 'manly' than hopping on the back wheel of a bicycle! It's actually just "t'internet" you don't need the 'the' :'(
  4. This isn't a discussion thread.. It's for reviews so write a review for the iriver, your comment is fairly useless :D Great idea though, i'll have to go buy something so I can review it :P
  5. Don't buy a CRC built wheel... Get Adam to sort it all out for you. Tartybikes.co.uk :huh:
  6. Definetly go for the stealth look, there's a guy over here that has a blacked out focus and it's the shizzle. Out of the two the darker one is better (obviously) but i've go darker than that if I was you (Y)
  7. I'd just like to point out that the pic you've linked to obviously displays the top three awesome TF members... (voted so for being cool, sexy, intelligent... etc) Anyway here's my attempt at 'EMO'
  8. Maxthon (Y) Just summit I've used for quite a while and I love... Like everything else it's just what I prefer... (Y)
  9. Sam Nichols


    This truly is a brilliant idea!! One thing though... Could we do it with pictures instead? Two reasons I say this... Not everybody has a digital video camera and the appropriate software for editing etc and also a lot of 56gay users wouldn't be able to download and upload vids all the time 'cause it takes ages. :shifty:
  10. I found the early heatsinks (yellow jobbies) on a grind were slightly swooshy but only if scuffing your brake... Pretty good. At the moment i'm running the same batch of heatsinks on a smooth rim and it's a slight squeek but not too bad. At the end of the day I guess it's more luck than judgement whether your brake will squeek or not and PLEASE do NOT simply buy pads and rims that people suggest add up to a silent brake. Make sure you buy what works, the rear brake is fairly important :shifty:
  11. Blinded By the Light - Manfred Mann's Earth Band
  12. Cable ties and/or Gaffa tape!! I mean come on, who has never bodged their bike with either of those? Also i'm pretty sure there aren't many people who don't have at least one cable tie on their bike right now!!
  13. The capix isn't listened on Alans though... Do they still sell them? Might be worth a call I guess :( P.S. There are LOADS of places in the UK that sell them though... all around the £30 mark UK Google Search = capix helmet
  14. Cheers. I decided not to go in to all the long term effects. However, i mentioned one for cannabis (paranoia) and to be perfectly honest any remotely educated person knows that too much alcohol f**ks up your liver. :lol:
  15. I am not going to quote anybody and comment on any statements because I feel that Trials-Forum has developed a very argumentative approach to topics such as this one. Narrow mindedness = bad :lol: Anyhow, here is my take on things... There are a lot of facts and opinions flying around in this topic so let's just try to get a rough outlook of the (positive and negative) effects of cannabis. I will also chuck in a comparison of cannabis to alcohol just to cater for those people who are of the 'alcohol is way better for you than weed' mindset. Cannabis, the good shit A floaty feeling that resembles being in a dream. You will feel relaxed. If you are in a good mood and are happy, cannabis will amplify this. The ability to see things from different angles or perspectives. Enhances your creativity. Cannabis has NO negative effect on sexual activity - alcohol does though (Mr Floppy!) It heightens physical sensations and emotions. Better sex :o Cannabis, the not so good shit Short term memory loss. Loss of precision/concentration, mind tends to 'wander'. Paranoia (this is a long term one) Lowers blood pressure resulting in your heart having to beat faster. Appetite stimulated, munchies! Lethargy, requires more energy to move around. So that's some of the cannabis facts. Now let's take a look at the alcohol ones. Alcohol, the good shit Alcohol is a sedative resulting in a soothing relaxing feeling. Loss of inhibitions, you can really be yourself Alcohol, the not so good shit Blocks/slows down messages to your brain. Behaviour is exaggerated. Emotionally irrational. Slurred speech. Blurred vision. nausea/vomiting. Now I really don't want to get too involved in this subject because I know it will encourage arguments and stuff like that. However if you look at cannabis from this angle you may reach some different conclusions. If we took a leap from our planet to a pure super planet named planet x. On this planet all inhabitants live perfectly healthily, there is no alcohol, there is no cannabis. If we gave them a choice of drug that HAD to be introduced which would they choose? Cannabis with no recorded fatalities and a calming, creative thought inspiring effect on it's user with only rare cases of mental disease as a DIRECT cause OR alcohol, a drug which fuels violence (73 people died as a result of alcohol related attacks) and causes huge NHS costs each year. Just think about it.
  16. * Pats his up to date virus checker and top banana firewall * aaah
  17. Well I'm sure they do that too. Anyway, umm you win but in all honesty the answers been given to the question now... so, who cares :lol: (I should've said 'Silly Willy' now that I think about it!)
  18. Yeha but they won't be built up silly... What would be the point of having a warehouse full of built up bikes that nobody will see? THEN when an order comes through having to dismantle the bike to put it back in the box!! Silly Billy.
  19. What are you guys on about, there's nothing wrong with purple! Grow up pre-schoolers - "ewww that's a girlies colour yuck yuck" :)
  20. Hey Charlie, Jon is going to try and retrieve all the FBM site files, I'll let him know that you would like them as he's a lazy bum and will most likely not be on her for another s millenia. :)
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