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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. I'm selling a spanish fly frame if you're interested? Here
  2. I get you. I guess I'm getting a distorted view of the trials community (because of this forum). The fact that I live in guernsey and I'm practically the ONLY trials rider over here, that rides regularly anyway. My only contact with the trials community is from the forum and thats why i thought this. Maybe it's just banter? It seems more serious than that to me. Perhaps people just enjoy winding each other up? I think it's time I took a tiny break from the forum, or at least look at everything from a slightly different viewpoint. I'm not really sure why I made this topic or what I hoped to do, but it's been helpful for me... Kinda selfish, but thanks anyway
  3. I guess in a round about way that's kind of my point (both of you) there is a definite bread of rider that spreads across both proving that there really is no difference?
  4. What is trials? It's funny how the sport appears to clash in that a UCI rider has no need for tricks, sure he may learn them because they are fun, but they have no real value to him. He needs to get from point A to point B without dabbing. A street rider will feel that tricks are very valuable to him, he looks for style and finesse whilst still making it from point A to point B. Both riders will agree that they are riding an almost different discipline yet there is a similarity... They both are riding over a section. Sure one section is marked with tape, the other marked with the words 'see if you can gap that and pull a 180 at the end'. But, they both want to make a maneuver without dabbing... Because of this there really is no difference. You could argue that the street rider is complicating trials, there is no need to add 'BMX' into the sport. Which is why many UCI riders will feel they are 'purists'. Equally though, a street rider may feel himself superior to the UCI rider with a quote I once read 'If you can pull an Xup you're already better than most UCI riders'. I suppose if you take it back to it's roots, most disciplines probably evolved from either extreme mountain bikers or BMXers. Now i'm guessing people didn't start hopping on the back wheel because they wanted to make it down a large hill. They probably started hopping because they wanted to show their mates a thing or two at the bottom while they were having their sandwiches. So maybe this element of showing off is where trials came from in the beginning? Maybe pulling tricks is where it's at because that is what trials is all about? Hell I don't know enough about the history of the universe to make a valid point, in fact to be honest i dont even know what my point is. I guess what i'm trying to say is that neither discipline out does the other. Watch a Craig Lee Scott video and your jaw drops. Watch a Matt Berridge video and your jaw drops. If you can't appreciate both disciplines then maybe you shouldn't even be on this forum? Long bike, short bike, big wheels, little wheels, risers, flats... These are all variations of something beautiful. A trials bike. Trials is like cake, it's very tasty... But add some chocolate sauce and you lose some fans of it but gain others, add strawberry sauce and you lose those fans but some other people start eating it. We all eat trials differently but at the end of the day it's still trials. Group hug.
  5. Check your freehub body, im pretty sure that if it's damaged (due to running single speed single cog) this causes skipping - and feels a lot like chain skip. When i say damage, it's where the single cog has bitten in to the freehub body. Check it out Also i'm guessing you have checked every tooth on the front and rear to make sure none are damaged? Another thing to check is that your chain is perfectly straight (not chain line but the actual chain, not twisted) and that there are no tight spots.
  6. Nice one. I'm wondering why this didn't go in the 'Pad Reviews' thread? Maybe we can make an exception since it's Porter though... Good work steve though, guess i'll have to dip in my pocket and wing some cash your way then
  7. Thanks for your kind words. Just your compliments makes me know that my art is worthwhile. (you have no idea how long that bloody tree took to draw!!)
  8. Sam Nichols


    From the album: Sam's gallery!

    i drew a tree
  9. To be honest, it doesn't matter whether it's removed or not. I'd be all up for the warnings being permanent because, I'm guessing one warning is 10% meaning you get 10chances? Thats far too many. They should never be removed, then maybe we could get rid of idiots like MrMonkey much quicker than we did.
  10. Somebody hurry up and upload the full version somewhere on the net then
  11. Thats probably because 6.5 is out of date now? I use premiere pro now, the latest version I believe?
  12. That's what I meant Curse my feeble lack of technical knowledge...
  13. I'll have to wait and see I'm not familiar with the phrase 'load it' ? Just what I said really, not my cup of tea... A bit too basic for me. I mean there's not really anything 'wrong' with it persay, just nothing that grabs me. It's functionably but that's where it ends. I really want a proper basket to be there too, because an web/mail order company needs to be able to take web orders straight from their site in my opinion... I know that these baskets can be bloody expensive to set up (looked into them myself) and are really difficult to code etc... But i think it is something that simply needs to be there. I still shop with them though, kinda hypocritical but I love the company. Looking forward to the new site though
  14. I like it, it's explorative 7/10 (if mines still me in a silly hat hit F5 to refresh )
  15. Mine arrived just now and I can only get about 8000 :P Wimpy girls wrists!
  16. I've got to admit Tartybikes isn't my favourite site for browsing etc, infact i really dont like it. Sorry Ads/Dave but it just doesn't really do anything for me. Top notch service, top notch company, below average site. :)
  17. Oh god! I hate you all :) You all know what I mean, exactly the same measurement/siz - length, width, thickness, diameter - whatever you wish. Now stop it.
  18. I'm using plaz spanish flys on my bmx Rim; Demoltion Black Chrome Brake; Dia Compe AD909 (same as hombre, but with a dodgy pad moount) Lever; Dirty Harry Cable; El Cheapo from LBS with plenty of lube Gotta say it's perfect, much better than all my fellow bmxers brakes (and these guys are shit hot riders, not just gash once in a blue moon riders). Best thing i've found with these pads on a bmc is that they seem to have really good modulation for manuals yet bite like a bitch when you want them to, taps/abubacas etc. Buy them :)
  19. I'm presuming you already have an web server to upload to? If so here's how you do it... Step 1. Open your PowerPoint and click on File and Save as Web Page. Step 2. In the File name box, type a name for the Web page. Step 3. In the Save as type box, select Web page. Step 4. Click Change Title, type the text in the Page title box, and then click OK. Step 5. Click on the Publish button. Step 6. Click Speaker notes off. Step 7. Choose Browser support. The 1st radio button will allow only IE users to view. The 2nd button will allow either IE or Netscape users to view. The 3rd radio button will allow just about everyone to view, but it will be a very large file to download. If you have a large slideshow, this might not be a good choice. Step 8. Click on Open published Web page in browser to immediately see how your published slideshow looks in your browser. Step 9. In the File name list, select a location (your FTP program) and type a name for the Web page (part of the url). Step 10. Click on Publish. Step 11. Open your WS-FTP program and upload two files: one file folder with the name of your powerpoint slideshow and one html file with the name of your slideshow.
  20. Piss off :D I said it wrong, I meant if you have the same quantity i.e. 1 square foot of titanium and the same of aluminium the titanium will be heavier. :)
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