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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. I'll add something onto this question... What happens when they prune all of the votes for multiple IP addresses? Uh oh, trials park now only has a couple hundred votes.
  2. Silly billy, I'm not capturing in adobe!! I hope this doesn't seem rude but... Sorry
  3. Canon DC10 Adobe is sound, it's all I want to use to be honest, I wouldn't feel comfortable with anything else to be honest. And it does have a usb port, but that's not really the problem.
  4. Don't worry I understood what you meant I'll try what you said about doing it in .vob And what I meant about 5pin to 6pin is that the only output on my camera that could possibly go into my firewire card i a 5pin usb... I have absolutely no idea what to do with that so i'll download it and then add you to msn if that's cool? Thing is the cable I need <b>has</b> to be a 5pin to 6pin otherwise it wont fit into my camera And I use Adobe Premiere pro What sucks is that I know all about the editing and capturing and everything after completing an A Level in media studies HOWEVER I've only ever used MiniDV so this has really thrown me! A very confused sam. xx
  5. Well I thought there was, But its a 5 pin hole.. Which means I need a 5pin to 6pin firewire cable - which I can't seem to find... perhaps my googling skills aren't up to scratch. Yeah, do you have any idea what these might be? I can choose between .vro or .vob. .vro allows me to cut up clips on the camera and delete clips and stuff whereas .vob just records straight on and stays there. As far as I'm concerned I dont care about editing and deleting scenes so either format will do. If I use .vob. I actually hadn't thought about trying to import the .vobs into Adobe. I've only tried the .vros and presumed they would be the same. I'll give that a go. No. I tried to answer your post as clearly as possible!! Hope it worked and cheers for the help so far
  6. Ok basically my parents bought me a DVD camcorder for my 18th birthday as they 'knew I'd been thinking about buying myself a camcorder' Unfortunately, as you're well aware if you know about camcorders and stuff, DVD is not the best type of camera to film with if you want to edit the footage properly. Now, there are a couple of routes I have thought about. The first was too simply use Firewire which I hoped would work but it doesn't. Well it didn't for me. Secondly the editing programme that came with the camera (which is absolute bollocks) has a function that allows you to upload your footage to your PC in a format that will allow editing in any programme. However to sue this function I have to upgrade my package which will cost £35. Thirdly I have a programme called FlaskMPEG which allows you to convert the file, forgot what format it is, but whatever the actual DVD file is. When I tried this I ended up with footage I could edit but then the actual movement of the rider was like all blocky and jittery. Is there something I'm doing wrong? If I buy the programme I mentioned in method two do you think it will be just the same as what I have in method three? I'm really am at a loss. PLEASE DON'T SUGGEST I GET A MINI DV CAM, I know that this is what my parents should have bought but it's already too late to take the camera back and I don't have the heart to tell them they wasted their money. Help me
  7. That's the point . It's much more difficult to spin and shit on a long stock.
  8. aww, you loser I live in guernsey and we don't get H&M Doesn't look like you can order online, you suck. (Video sucked haha)
  9. Ok, we have gathered by now that this video is damn good... I have a more important thing to post though, it's a question actually... Where on earth did your boxers come from matt?? I want some, like so bad..
  10. Yeah man this was ace, proper experimental i love it, I'm glad you decided to ride in your own way y'know, not copying other people or anything.... just natural, smooth, y'know, proper ace. Unfortunately this video did nothing for me I'm liking the mega spins but that was it, i was hoping something a bit more exciting... Don't get me wrong, the riding was alright but the editing and the moves themselves weren't that different from any other video.. sorry!
  11. Just for the record, the high pitched voice is not mine.
  12. Yeah, to be honest I don't really give a shit, just on the look out for a new car now 'cause it sucks having to bus/ride everywhere. I'm a silly sausage
  13. The van was totalled, written off good n proper! The people in the back had the following injuries... 1 person nutted the drivers side seat and bust his nose and split his lip with blood and shit everywhere. 1 person smacked his knees and feet into the back of the two front seats and broke a toe. 1 person headbutted the rear window and shattered it leaving him with a big ass bruise and some cuts and stuff. The chicken hat guy who was sat facing the wrong way was damn lucky because the dashboard hit him in the backside, totally caved in, if he'd been sat properly in his seat he would have crushed his legs. I on the otherhand, as the only person wearing a seatbelt, left the scene of the accident with absolutely no injuries!! haha. I hit a crash barrier by the way, for some reason the steering went... not sure if i aquaplaned or what... but the wheel went really light and i couldn't turn haha, good times
  14. Seriously, why is this guy not validated? [/harsh sarcasm]
  15. I did some more research into this and it turns out... I wonder if this has anything to do with the other thread in chat chat, the Pioneering Anglican priests one?
  16. I'd use airfix stuff if I was you, like the shizzle you spray onto model car shells and things You need something like that because otherwise it will crack and flake, I believe spray for models has some amount of silicone or something in it to allow flex
  17. You're talking shit You just have to modify the mech a bit... longer bolts and extra spacing then it glides through
  18. Crikey, somebody trying to get as much money as possible... That's bang out of line. I don't really understand why anyone cares, he won't sell it, realize he's asking too much and then will relist when the auction ends with a lower price. Hardly anything to get frisky over.
  19. Gotta be JD & Coke for me. One lovely little cocktaily type thing is the Doctor Pepper - Quarter lager, Quarter Coke and a shot of Amaretto... you drop the Ameretto straight into the glass after you've mixed the lager and coke, then you down it and, suprise suprise, it tastes exactly like doctor pepper!
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