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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Meee. I'm coming down thursday evening and leaving monday evening. Can't wait! My college will probably spit blood in my face though.. I've been missing too many lessons recently! Woops. I can't wait
  2. This game is old already! Check out bike mania 2
  3. You suck, like so bad.
  4. Yes it is, but it takes like ten months before it completely dissapears.
  5. Dandruff? Quit with the cryptic clues and just tell us, plonker. The uv ones look ace!! I quite like the fact that for the first few months before it's fully healed it looks like a branding too, brandings are sweet. I'd actually have to go to nightclubs just to show it off. hehe.
  6. Basically the ideal getaway vehicle would be a reliant robin that's been modified (big ass engine etc). Couple of reasons, the cops aren't allowed to use a stinger on three wheelers because it's dangerous or summink. They are skinny so you can drive down the middle of the road and even mount large kerbs and stuff. They're funny.
  7. Oh my god! That is awesome. I'm gonna go talk to my local tattoo artist about it
  8. Yeah to be honest i was just being lazy! I think I'll go for that and just learn to use it. I kinda get fed up learning to use new programmes though. Oh well cheers for your help!! Yeah I've heard it's good (couldn't remember the name). I didnt realise it was mac only though so I'll have to give it a miss. Thanks everyone.
  9. Well basically I want to make some songs - I have made a few comedy ones using windows sound recorder, some downloaded samplers/effects and adobe premier! But i want something a bit more specific than adobe premier haha. So basically i want to be able to have a timeline and add drums, guitars, samplers, vocals etc and build up. I am familiar with the music compostion programme 'sibelius' but I want something slightly less involved than that.. If you get me?? (and if you know what sibelius is!)
  10. my my, that looks a little more complicated than I was hoping for... I'm looking more for the windows movie maker of the music world, not the adobe premier. If that makes sesne?
  11. I've heard of a programme called 'garage' something.. But I can't remember the proper name. Anybody on here use anything that i can mix music with? Preferably not just samples like drum and bass, but I want to be able to mix in guitars and drums and shizz before adding my own vocals. Any ideas?
  12. When i first started working at my local bike shop they used to call me 'the little black boy'. Basically I was treated a bit like the bitch!! This progressed into 'Sambo' because of The Story of Little Black Sambo So yeah, that's my nickname.. Sambo P.S. My avatar is a picture of little black sambo.. Incase you wondered what he looked like.
  13. I'm definitely in. I'll be coming over friday afternoon and staying with andy till like monday or something. Ride saturday then party in the evening sounds ace. If you're still after some bike parts catch me on msn mate I might be able to sort you out with some bits. I can't wait.. well worth the flight over
  14. QUOTE(deanie-b @ Apr 22 2006, 10:10 PM) ←And really good filming considering you did all of it by yourself That's probably why it was so good, wobbly shakey twitchy camera work makes me feel sea sick. I'm downloading it now so i'll get back to you.
  15. But that's exactly what I would say...
  16. The Feeling Down Thread... Where emo kids unite.
  17. Since when does an owner get a salary..? It's just retained profit which will vary from year to year.
  18. Yeah hiccups are just spasms of your diaphragm so like people said you just need to really focus on controlling your breathing. Should work. I also just found this... interested to know if it actually works.. (1) Pour a TALL glass of water. (2) Hold your breath... *** (3) IMPORTANT...PINCH YOUR NOSE CLOSED. (4) Slowly, take 10 - 20 swallows of the water...while holding your breath with your nose pinched closed. (5) When you can't stand it any more....you'll know by that overwhelming drowning sensation -- after a gasp, take a deep breath and relax.
  19. Cocaine is for people who hate their septums. And no i wouldn't bum you, you look like a gorilla.
  20. Right, first off... I'm not gay. Ok, I'm having a few people round later for like a mini party / piss up thang and basically we want to get drunk and do a scavenger hunt... So, would anyone care to make up a scavenger hunt list OR post up one or two suggestions for things we could collect? They need to be random and fun. Pretty much anything goes.. Within reason. Ok.. GO!
  21. It's just a land rover with a spray job.. And not a very exciting one in my opinion.
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