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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. That seems to have done the trick! What's the best way to tackle omitting 0's Is it best to just alter the columns so that a 0 is a blank cell or can something be added to the statement above?
  2. Obviously I'm sure there is a better way of doing this, but so far this is what I've done... http://oi57.tinypic.com/1z5kewg.jpg It's a list of tasks that must all be completed by certain intervals, but the intervals are in different units. On the right I have converted the number of MO's into the number for FH's that occur in that unumber of Mo's, same for FC's. I've done the same thing with YE's. Since posting the topic I've realised that the best way to compare the FC's and FH's will be using calendar dates so I'll do that afterwards. So for now, I need to know which is smallest out of FH, MO IN FH and YE IN FH. Then I need to know which is smallest of FC, MO IN FC and YE IN FC. Any ideas?
  3. I'll post a snippet of it, gimme a sec. I'll try exaplin what I've doen so far, it's a bit messy haha
  4. Gents, I think this is a pretty straightforward task but it's been a long time since I played around with IF statements (I think that's what I need?!) Basically I have three columns of numbers and I need to know which value is the smallest (I have 4,000 rows, so I'm not doing it manually!) I'd like the final column to tell me which of my four columns has the lowest value, ideally by simply having the column header copied across. The columns are FH, FC, MO, YR (Flight Hours, Flight Cycles, Months and Years), I've already converted them to a common unit. Any ideas?
  5. I don't feel like we have enough information. What's the job you would actually be doing? Are we talking bus manufacture?
  6. Planned a uni work day, started at half eight but kept looking out the window at the blue skies, kept pushing through, got to 3pm, thought I deserved a ride, rain.
  7. It'd be cool if you made the font size on your first post a little bigger so I can actually read it!!
  8. I can only assume it's got something to do with the email address they were using getting suspended for spammage!
  9. Post his name on here, someone on the forum is bound to know him!
  10. The challenges that I received were sent to both me and my partner at the same time, so even if I didn't have them on facebook I'd still have their email from that, is this not the case with yours? These challenges are very interesting! Much more inspired than I thought and also a bit trickier too! Should be interesting!
  11. Average door height is 6' 6", average handle is about 3' 3". The distance from the top of your head to the door frame is about 1/3rd the height of the floor to the door handle, so that's about 1' 3". 6' 6" minus 1' 3" is 5' 3". Allowing for parallax error I reckon you're about 5' 5".
  12. Has something significant happened/changed in your life recently, Ross?
  13. Anyone else stick their used paper on the wall to dry out for the next person to use?
  14. Such a f**king joke. Anyway, I skimmed through this and someone said they strip their bike every couple of weeks?! Wuuuuuut?!
  15. You could pass it off as a scooby in the third pic.
  16. Nah, it's the college that issues the certificate so they would have to be involved.
  17. I just emailed and said that if they have any instructor free I'm willing to pay a fee for attending and that I'd happily even do it in 4 half days if I had to... I'm having a breakdown.
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