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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. My insurance for my van as a seventeen year old, first policy etc was around £350 third party.. I lose 20% for my no claims soon as well, then I can go fully comp for like an extra £25 or something stupid. Go me, you should all come live in guernsey!!
  2. Thats damn expensive!! Why do they charge so much? Surely for a couple weeks they'd do a special deal or something - that's almost the price of hiring a car!!
  3. I'm sure there will be another similar outburst sometime.. I've been quite careful with my logging out recently though!! [someone on the DJ ride actually referred to me as 'the gay guy off trials-forum' ]
  4. That made me chuckle. The video did not.
  5. Why do you have a left hand drive wheel and no pegs?
  6. Why've you posted my email address on a public forum like this? It's well out of order I keep getting random people adding me and hurling abuse at me. I almost died when I saw Joe Maher wanted to add me as a friend.. Never thought I'd sink to the level of actually accepting. Please remove my email address, this is getting silly now.
  7. That was painful to say the least.. Really really NOT funny. Not even in the slightest.
  8. Sam Nichols

    Emo Girls

    Sam finds the wank material.. So you don't have to! Prepare to jizz...
  9. I think the secret is accuracy... I'd bet my bottom dollar that you have a decent set of scales! Mine are shite and probably a pound or two out! When I'm at work next I'll weigh her again
  10. Ummm, lots of light components I guess? Full Vee set up too, which is lighter than magura.. Haha, well my road bike costs more than my trials bike.. I'm trying to work out a formula of exactly how cost converts to weight..
  11. Is trials-shack down? Because it won't load up for me?
  12. My revell is 22lbs. My road bike is 17.6lbs. hmmmm, I wonder how I can lighten the two
  13. There are alternatives; You could drill the bolt and then use an easi-out. You could use some mole grips to grab the bolt and then loads of leverage to undo it.
  14. He could've dropped it or jumped off it.. Didn't need to launch it for a home run! Awesome rider though [obviously] just thought that was a bit silly.
  15. I spotted that little clip that was in the 'more videos' bit.. It's the full clip that was in the Trial Noir trailer.. Why did he chuck his bike like that?
  16. The effort some New Members will make to get validated.. He could've just used good spelling, punctuation and grammar! I kid. I wonder if anything did get done or if it was all just a 'good idea'?
  17. Fish is awesome. Get it from boots.
  18. I wouldn't call my old king awesomely reliable. Maybe it's something to do with the way i ride.. I dunno but even after a service it was still never skipless.
  19. I'd tread carefully when referring to the king as 'awesomely reliable'.
  20. Has anybody else gone from a king to a pro2 and not noticed any difference in the responsiveness? It hasn't affected my gapping distance at all. Also I seem to have more confidence with the loud freehub [giving me the impression the engagements are better] so I've found I can ride much better [smoother etc] because of the placebo effect I'm guessing. But yeah, i love it!
  21. There is actually no need for that. Why post a picture of an intimate moment with your girlfriend? Seriously, you don't see me posting a pic of me ragging some chick in the back of my van do you? No. Christ.
  22. But ben, I've had a £15 Ritchey headset for what must be nearly a year and it's as smooth as the day I bought it. Also my front hub (a DT hugi) has lasted probably two years now, no problems. I have nothing against whacking kings on bikes, it's nice to have a consistent vibe to a bike.. But to be honest they aren't really neccersary. P.s. A rear king is though hehe
  23. Sam Nichols


    I should imagine they won't 'hold up in the british weather' I'm a little confused though, have adam and dave simply copied that description across from the Ribo site or when it say's 'designed by us' does that actually mean designed by adam/dave?
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