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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Does anybody know what song that is?
  2. The cinematography was pretty damn awesome.. The riding wasn't too shabby either! That is gonna be ace!
  3. You could've at least blended the edges to make it look real!!
  4. I bet it'll be DAMN hard to get a ticket for their final gig in cardiff!! Such a shame, but all good things must end I guess.
  5. What a ridiculous comment! No variety? In comparison to what? A CLS vid?! HA I'm sorry but you're talking rubbish mister
  6. I can't download props60 because sendspace is gay! Anychance someone could stick it on megaupload or something similar?
  7. I don't think his are.. Even though I presume it's law that they are. But then again you can get away with stuff like that over here because of the lack of MOT.
  8. I love how professional that site is!!
  9. It isn't a filter. It's an editing technique.
  10. No. Clockwise to tighten. Actually, it depends whether the spoke is at the top of the wheel or not.. But it's a standard thread SO it's clockwise to tighten it (which means if the spoke is at the top of the wheel when you go to do it then you have to do it anti clockwise because obviously it's upside down) Make sense?
  11. My friends number plate lights have an internal swich.. comes in very handy!!
  12. I once got drunk absolutely slaughtered at a [small] local festival and took a young lady back to my van for a little light entertainment.. Unfortunately I spent around 20mins struggling to find her girly bit :$ and humping her leg that in the end she just gave me head then I told her to f**k off. I was pretty embarrassed, but it's funny now. So yeah, the leg hump is an ace position.
  13. I just wasted two years of my life.
  14. I think the only trials specific parts on my bike is my rear hub/rim and my cranks.. Oh and the frame. Everything else is mountain bike type stuff.
  15. Last night I smashed myself in the face with a beer glass. That was pretty silly. We always come up with 'good' ideas and go cause havoc.. Here's a random evening we had not that long ago.. An evenings entertainment.
  16. Maxxis tyres? Hope head doctor? Telescopic seatpost.. Titec Scoper. Light sus forks that lockout.. There are loads around!
  17. Frequently Asked Questions >> Search for.. 'mech'
  18. It says 'please enter PDM here'.. What on earth is a PDM? Ignore me, I'm an idiot.
  19. Can I ask what the money will be used for.. It doesn't quite explain [unless I've missed something?]. Is it to give her a better standard of living or is it for treatment or something? Either way, good on you
  20. Yeah, exaclty. He was lucky It makes me wonder whether I wanna wear a seatbelt or not.. 'cause if i crashed my van and lost my legs I really don't see any reason why I'd want to still be alive.. Best I just go through the windshield.
  21. The reason why the passenger didn't get mullered is the same reason why the car did get mullered.. Crumple zones innit!! I'll have to try and get a pic of my van when i wrote it.. My passenger was lucky he was being a cock [kneeling on the passenger seat trying to climb through to the back]. The dashboard actually hit him in the ass and the footwell was so f**ked he couldn't get his rucksack out without ripping it to shreds. Good fun..
  22. I just said though, I can go fully comp after my first year for only like £25 or something. Fully comp wouldn't have been extortionate or anything.. I just couldn't afford it at the time.
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