Recently I’ve been trawling through my dusty pile of old cds from when i was pre-pubescent and I’ve been having a listen to the likes of sum 41, blink 182 and even things like the darkness. It's incredible the emotion that certain songs unlock. At the time when the darkness came out 'get your hands of my women' etc I was going through a very powerful yet immature lustful love type thing - you must know what I mean.. The reason why you have so many teen suicides I expect. Everyday was a high and a low roller coaster and this music made so much sense to me. Now I listen to it and it really has a peculiar effect on me, as though I’m actually back there going through it all over again. Do you guys have any old forgotten bands [not that the ones I’ve mentioned are forgotten mind you] that spark off things from your childhood? Or your younger years at least. I guess this is why music is so powerful.