Dude get your priorities right. There are far too many big car, modest house, wife, two kids and a dog people on this forum. It does my nut. There's more to life than an office job, seriously; there really is! I feel sorry for people who are going to waste their life loosely conforming (because there is nothing wrong with a little conformity) to standard ideologies and beliefs so they can get themselves a nice house and contribute enough to their pension, which by the way will probably have been poorly invested by the shareholders of your pension scheme so you'll end up with jack shit , so that one day you can enjoy your retirment. haha, f**k retirement man, the amount of old dudes and dudettes I know that work in areas that interest them to give them something to do and to meet people.. its unbelievable. I'm gonna enjoy my youth while i can then if need be work my way into the grave when i'm an old geezer. I bet i'm not the only one with these views.. at least i sincerely hope im not. P.S. I typed that far too fast for it to be perfect.. but im too lazy to spell check so my apologies for any poor spelling/grammar/punctuation sleeping: