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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. That familiar moaning sound my mother makes while she gets it doggy style from my father.
  2. Seriously.. What the hell is the point of them? I'm pretty sure originally you could buy some that had lenses in the face for snowboarders of whatever.. like a built in ski mask. But whats the point of the ones that just zip all the way up? They look shit anyway.
  3. Anyone else rub one out when she started talking?
  4. I never go to the hospital 'cause im nails.
  5. I hate to tell you this but that really was not a good idea!
  6. Total ryan leech wannabe, really boring editing.. BUT christ that made me want to go out and ride, that guy has skills and pulled some real creative lines too. Props too him. No props for the video though hehe
  7. The single most effective way of getting rid of irritating callers at your home including but not limited to; trick or treaters, jehovas, double glazing salesman etcetera..
  8. I was trying to be both ironic and witty at the same time.. Failing miserably apparently. On a similar topic.. I can actually type exactly the same drunk as I can sober.. good vocabulary, spelling, punctuation etcetera. Its just so much fun to go.. heyy evryonee!! im wel dunk hahahaaa wwhat are evertyone feling?? lollls this wel cfnu ahahaha same with texts, i like to let predictive text make all my decisions. but if someone like my mother texts me to find out if i know where the iron is or something then i just text normally. dunno if anyone else is like that?
  9. according to the can.. "brewed in the EU by Scottish and Newcastle contains barley and wheat best before shown on base
  10. Why is it it doesnt matter how much fosters i drink i still dont seem to be thinking australian self censoring ohhh yeah! i have another crate and a hlaf to work my way through so i will report back on how australian i am thinking but i thinks its all lies!!! by the way, its cool to post on a forum when your drunk.. but its even cooler to bost about being drunk. because thats where the respect is.. right there.. >here< yeah. LOOK KIDS I DRINK HOW FRICKIN ACE AM I
  11. Dude get your priorities right. There are far too many big car, modest house, wife, two kids and a dog people on this forum. It does my nut. There's more to life than an office job, seriously; there really is! I feel sorry for people who are going to waste their life loosely conforming (because there is nothing wrong with a little conformity) to standard ideologies and beliefs so they can get themselves a nice house and contribute enough to their pension, which by the way will probably have been poorly invested by the shareholders of your pension scheme so you'll end up with jack shit , so that one day you can enjoy your retirment. haha, f**k retirement man, the amount of old dudes and dudettes I know that work in areas that interest them to give them something to do and to meet people.. its unbelievable. I'm gonna enjoy my youth while i can then if need be work my way into the grave when i'm an old geezer. I bet i'm not the only one with these views.. at least i sincerely hope im not. P.S. I typed that far too fast for it to be perfect.. but im too lazy to spell check so my apologies for any poor spelling/grammar/punctuation sleeping:
  12. Sam Nichols


    That doesn't look cute at all This looks cute... Edited for being in bad taste.
  13. Sam Nichols


    Oh yeah, I really should have mentioned this earlier; I haven't actually watched the video, nor do I intend to. I'm just commenting on what people are saying about animal 'cruelty' and eating meat etcetera.
  14. Sam Nichols


    If you keep hitting backspace you shoukld get what you typed back..
  15. Sam Nichols


    I expect I'll get my head bitten off AGAIN.. But.. Who decides what is right and wrong? And who decides whether he/she is right/wrong. Imagine you had grown up in a different culture and knew something to be 'right'. You would have an entirely different perspective. You're culture has conditioned you to believe certain acts are 'wrong'. But are the wrong? Ever seen the film Zulu? Ever seen the film Dances With Wolves? Now here's the confusing part.. I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with anything in this thread.. The fun thing about life is that everybody is right in their own way, yet; wrong at the same time. (I used way too many ellipses in that post! sorry)
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