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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Well that was kinda the point I was getting at.. I dont get drunk every time I drink.. But I do drink a lot, and apparently that makes me an alcoholic?
  2. Something that I found very interesting, slightly disturbing and I'm not really sure how seriously to take it! Take this quiz HERE and then answer the above poll. I'll be honest, recently I've been drinking every other day at least.. sometimes daily, not getting pissed but just drinking around 4 cans or so. The quiz on that site said that I'm an alcoholic.. which I laughed off. But perhaps I do need to cut down?! Anyway please take the time to do the quiz and complete the poll.. You'll either make me feel better about myself or confirm to me that I need to sort my shit out!
  3. This is getting a bit silly now..
  4. What's your opinion based on? Had a bad experience with hope? I don't think I'd consider anything other than hope if I'm honest..
  5. Perhaps some groundwork would have been useful in the OP. For all you know they could have been together for years and could be planning the rest of their lives together! Unlikely, but possible!
  6. It took me a couple of reads to understand what he meant :$ He's referring to the part about it not being possible to get hold of the MK3 frames as they're all spoken for.
  7. Fair play Steve, I remember when your pads first started being talked about! You've come a long way since then! I still have some original yellows in my toolbox i think, down to husks though!
  8. I've always found that when I push myself style goes out the window, my biggest gaps haven't exactly been like a butterfly landing on a flower! I think I'm generally smoother and more stylish when I'm riding familiar lines or those which are within my boundaries. So I have to say I'm with the minority here.. For me I'm always trying to push myself to achieve bigger better lines, and the style comes second. Had the question been "Which do you prefer? Big gaps or smooth lines?" I would have answered differently.
  9. Hi Phil If it's Guernsey you mean then there are really only two full time riders; my flatmate Jon (Papa Manual) and Myself. Judging by your post you'll be in St Peter Port? Which means you'll be living walking distance from us. We're out riding as much as we can so will definitely show you all the spots, Ive got a wee van so we'll show you the whole island. Fingers crossed I'll have my new bike by then too. Do you know where exactly you'll be staying? Who you going to be working for?
  10. I actually wish I could post exactly the words that are filling my head with regards what an utter cock a couple of people who are posting in this topic are coming across as.. Seriously, take a long hard look at your posts.. If you don't care about this forum and about other peoples views and opinions then why are you here? There's nothing wrong with not liking forums, there are plenty of good riders who don't post regularly on here.. But they don't log on every now and then to wind people up because they're out riding and getting on with their lives. I honestly do not understand the mentality of some people.
  11. Bestsellers 1. World's Slowest Cyclist XL Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  12. This topic almost got the reaction I wanted, but people were a little bit too reserved I think
  13. I better get a bike sorted ASAP then! Looking forward to putting something together with Jon
  14. I'm phoning up Tarty tomorrow and sorting out an Inspired just like Dannys.
  15. Do you think these ones are the same? http://us.levi.com/product/index.jsp?produ...3146854.3146921 If not will I get similar performance from then?
  16. Can anyone tell me what jeans he's wearing in his latest video they appear to be a 'tailored' cut and are dark in colour, perhaps black or just very deep indigo. If you know where I can purchase them from that would help a great deal. Before anyone moans. YES i have used the search button and I have checked his profile on TartyBikes. I'm at a bit of a loss. Cheers.
  17. Girls don't like me, I think they feel inferior due to my awesomeness. How can I be less awesome thus making women feel more comfortable around me.
  18. Not just a pretty face monkey.
  19. But a Noun is a naming word?
  20. I don't think it has anything to do with pebbledash! Balderdash is proper old i think? Like flat cap and pipe times?
  21. So what would you call that type of word?
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