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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. If you broke the air tight seal slightly by trapping something in it, maybe with a couple of popsicle sticks or something, this would allow air to escape the freezer and should mean that you can keep things cool in there without freezing them. I could be wrong though, but I seem to remember leaving a freezer door ajar over night and it stayed a little bit cold. It's not fantastically efficient though!!
  2. I think if anything has the least potential to make big profit then these teeshirts are that 'thing'.
  3. Lights are a completely different ball park though, lights are a lot more important than a bell.. You can get safety lights which keep you covered and are ideal for trials bikes and bmxes - HERE Very cheap too.
  4. I don't think that would stand up in court to be fair. It reads.. " No warning instrument Pedal cycle "
  5. Friend of a friend just got one of these this morning. I remember from working at my LBS that by law we had to sell new bicycles with bells fitted, but seriously, who actually uses bells nowadays? This is one of those pathetic laws that have little place in today's society.. I mean think about modern cars and how much money is spent making them like little bubbles that isolate you from the world around you. Could you even hear a bicycle bell from inside one of these whilst in rush hour traffic? In fact the only time I see cyclists over here (Guernsey) using bells is if they're kids riding along gleefully irritating all present by ringing them constantly OR if they are trying to get the attention of walkers who are on the cycle paths.. Either way, the constable who issued this ticket needs to ask himself "Is this what all that training was for?". Pathetic.
  6. I was trying to get an idea of where regular drinkers fall on the 'problem' scale of drinking a bit to much -> full blown alcoholic! People who drink moderately with large spaces of time in between aren't going to be classed as alcoholics.
  7. Really enjoyed this, loads of energy and plenty of interesting lines. Shocking quality though! (as you already mentioned!) Is this all filmed in Cornwall?
  8. How thick's the part between the fridge and freezer? Cut it out?
  9. Wait till they slam all the taxes and bullshit on though..... That fare is with flybe I presume?
  10. Jon always get's his bike on planes for free 'cause he kicks up a fuss when they try to charge him I think it's about 60 pound return on the ferry though.. and you dont pay any extra fees for baggage and bikes etc
  11. Sam Nichols

    Do You....

    Because they're beneath me, Jonathan.
  12. Did you have any teeth left? :|
  13. Sam Nichols

    Do You....

    I hate talking to hairdressers and taxi drivers! Luckily I've found a miserable barber over here who barely speaks English let alone bothers to talk to his customers, my type of guy
  14. That's pretty close to use, and it's right opposite a school that's pretty good fun to ride.. I can't promise I'll be out EVERY night due to shift work, Jon's out more than me at the moment but as soon as my new bikes here it'll give me a kick up the ass to ride more! New bikes a 24, so we'll both have inspired but all the spots over here are suited to both riding styles, plus Im up for a bit of natural to improve my balance and fitness if that's what floats your boat! I doubt I'll have my new bike by weds but I should be getting my revel welded (for the second time) so I'll have a 26 till that comes. As for bringing anything over, it's all cool.. we're sorted for parts, just bring yourself, your bike and a happy go lucky attitude and it's all good! I'm a day off on Weds so could pick you up from the airport if you wanted? Take you to the hotel then we could go for a ride in the evening? Either way I'll PM you my number so you can buzz me up. Take it easy, Sam. That works on many levels.. Oh yeah, also there is a guy who rides with us a fair bit on a Mod.. He's pretty much a beginner at the moment but hey, it's all good!
  15. More often than not I feel indifferent..
  16. My view is that being 'drunk' is when the alcohol begins to inhibit your balance and speech.. And my general opinion is if I was getting into that state on a regular basis then we'd be talking problems..
  17. There are other factors involved in ability to drink more or less than other.. it's not all about being a hardened drinker! Although, drinking a lot will build up resilience to to it, so that's a valid point. EDIT: Resilience wasn't the word I was after, what am I looking for??
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