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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. You haven't really mentioned what area you are specifically interested in; Camera work, Editing, Directing.. In my opinion this screams out at me that a career in cinematography probably isn't for you. This is one of those 'jobs' that you need to be passionate about, this is real life and the chances of you stumbling into a big job are very unlikely. The type of people who make it are the people who, as mentioned earlier, love the industry so much they don't care about spending a year making tea. If you're worried about 'wasting time' then I don't think you're going about things the right way really.
  2. LOL? R U SERIUS? I use both my brakes independently. When doing manuals, bunny hops and back wheels I quite often don't even cover the front brake.
  3. Just thought I'd ask again as I'm still not sure I've got this right.. If using adapters, the bigger the step, the less distortion/fishiness?
  4. Some sweet riding there, looks like you've got some awesome riding spots too! I'm jealous!
  5. That doesn't really make a lot of sense to me I'm afraid :$ Does the step up make a dramatic difference to the fishyness or am I barking up the wrong tree?
  6. I was thinking 0.3 would be way more distorted than that!
  7. Nice one, I'll look into that. Being only £14 it's worth a punt at least.
  8. Cheers! But I'm not looking for a massively distorted fisheye if that's what you're thinking of? You can go a little bit wider without the shot looking fished.
  9. Yeah I forgot to say it was for a camcorder, and I have seen the ones on ebay but they all looked like unbranded shit to me. I was thinking along the lines of a few lenses that people use/have used and are good that I can then look on ebay and other sites to try and find a secondhand one in good nick for cheap. Edited my OP.
  10. Haha, I guess you're right!
  11. I'm struggling to find what I need. 37mm thread wide enough for trials but not too 'fishy' about £50 for a camcorder can anyone help?
  12. The bike looked stunning in the first pictures but what on earth were you thinking with the purple parts?? The blue outer cables too Sorry but I prefered it before the purple.
  13. Steezy peasy. So much more flow than cranmer.
  14. Man, I really want a can of Rockstar energy drink right now.
  15. Is anyone else bored of this news already?
  16. Just because it's all set up and ready to go doesn't guarantee that he would have actually turned up.
  17. bbc just confirmed it, dead
  18. Did you hear about the magic tractor? It turned into a field.
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