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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Nice video, but it wasn't really manifesto style at all.
  2. I think mines just going to be a bail video :$ All I've done all afternoon is super sketchy riding and crashing! Split my magura hose too! Woops.
  3. I'll jump in before anyone gives you hell for not knowing! Manifesto. It's a DVD featuring Ryan Leach, the 'Manifesto' style is basically trials with no set up hops/correction hops/recovery hops.. whatever you want to call them! Try it next time you ride.. Edit: I still don't think it really think it lived up to the hype that surrounded it, the bonus video history on the DVD definitely got watched by me more than the feature.
  4. You better believe it Anyway, lets stick to the theme in hand though 'Manifesto'.
  5. The twenty-four crew would wipe up though, let's be honest.
  6. Hi there, sounds like fun! I'll pm you my mobile number and we'll sort out some rides.
  7. As soon as the sun pops out I'll have a go at this.
  8. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. There's a few ideas floating around that I'd be up for, manifesto is one of them.. So I'm going to follow the pack on this one. Another vote for Manifesto here. Edit: I'm not making a 5min long one though! Let's put a 2minute cap on it?
  10. f**k that! Any higher than 50 and it's bye bye wrists for me!
  11. Which one will it be then gentleman? Perhaps a vote is in order.. Topic starter step up, or I'll start a mutiny
  12. You'd have to do a manual/wheelie to tap though.
  13. Yeah I've still got those heatsink reds that I said you could have aaaaages ago, but alas I forgot to send them :$ You want them soon or shall I just bring them to the tour?
  14. The one he doesn't make or the one straight after it?
  15. 50 psi front and rear, 24 inch bicycle.
  16. I don't really understand the theme!
  17. Aaah ok, the way I read it I thought you meant that was the first time you'd ever seen someone ride an inspired!
  18. I have quite a lot of spare bits and bobs but I'm pretty slack at posting them. However, come the morning when my head is less fuzzy I will browse through here and see what I can post out to you darlings. I've got to make a journey to the post office anyhow.
  19. I don't know the legalities of it all, but policeman all have their numbers on their lapels (unless it's the G20 summit, apparently). So, you should have got their numbers from there. Failing that, all policeman must identify themselves by giving you their number and I'm pretty certain they must give you their surname. If they took your pot, sorry, you've been stitched.
  20. What difference does it make if you're a bear or not? If you want kids, do kids. 'Aint no fur in this world gonna save your ass Now you got me thinking about the kite game!
  21. What the f**k has Jackass got to do with trials?
  22. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  23. The Guernsey comp scene is thriving at the moment. The two top riders live together, train together and follow a very strict diet. Perhaps if you English boys took took a leaf out of our book you too could be champions. Stop wasting your time pulling manuals and trying to ride with fluidity. Get rid of the jeans and hoodies, lose the seats and engage in some proper training; Running and swimming 3/4 times a week for example will dramatically improve your trials comp performance.
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