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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Does this mean they want one that rides TGS and one that rides in a visually stimulating way OR do they want just two TGS people?
  2. Do we know roughly what this is going to be retailing at?
  3. Beautiful video. Awesome riding.
  4. I take all my inspiration from BMX really. If I want to get fired up before a ride I pop on a BMX vid and that always gets me amped. I stopped riding trials for a while and only really got back into riding trials again properly when the fourplay came out.
  5. I'm doing a combined course. A degree in aeronautical engineering (design) and a B1 aircraft maintenance licence. So all going well at the end of the course I can choose either.
  6. Coaster brake. When you pedal backwards it engages a hub brake.
  7. Pleeeeeeeeeeease let there be horizontal dropouts on the new fourplay. That would make my year.
  8. hero i can do thursday from 4pm and friday from about 2pm you riding tomorrow?
  9. You have to have the patience of a saint to ride that park! It's really good fun but I remember constantly having my runs chopped up by the kids! Is there still some little bmxer lad tearing it up there? Does whips and flips everywhere.. ? I'm progressively enjoying these videos more and more by the way.
  10. What apprenticeship are you doing?
  11. Thanks guys, I get it now! Todays lecturer was pretty crap so I struggled to grasp it! Rob, I'm training to be an aircraft engineer, doing some early modules at the moment (all really basic stuff). Nailed the maths and physics but I've never done electronics before. Thanks for the voltage drop explanation too, JT.
  12. Ok I'm completely lost here. I can deal with series and I can deal with parallel but I'm trying to work out how you get the total resistance, total current and the voltage drops for each resistor on a parallel-series circuit.. Here's what I've got.. Basically I think the total R is 99Ω and the total I is 1.01A. Is this right? If not, how would I get the correct answer. Also, how on earth do I work out the V-drops? Many thanks! Hopefully someone on here can help..
  13. Is Clive still making frames? I notice the website hasn't been updated in 5 years!
  14. Why do people so much? I come on the forum and I watch the latest web vids, I check on the rides/locations to see if there's anything near me that I can tag along on. I check BOTI to see if there are any funny vids floating around. I check the news to see if there is anything interesting coming out soon. I drop a post if I have anything useful to contribute or if I have any kind of interest in the subject being discussed, although more often than not I just post whatever I'm thinking, whether anyone cares or not. Then I usually drift off onto porn or Iplayer or porn. I can't see how being an SM would improve mine or anyone elses enjoyment of this forum or how not being an SM detracts from the usefulness of it. I ride bikes. That's why I'm here.
  15. That's probably an [/thread] then.
  16. Wasn't there a period of time in the BMX world where it was fashionable to ride around on a bag of nails?
  17. Like 99% of all the trials videos on here?
  18. Mad video, but didn't look like a fixie to me..
  19. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ive missed you
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