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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. I'll ride on my own then See you guys next Sunday then!
  2. See you guys tomorrow then. 1100 riverside?
  3. I was going to post a few pictures up the other day but didn't get round to it and now things have totally gone to shit with Bekki. Que Sera, Sera. No nudies/naughties because, well, they're mine, all mine. Beer time.
  4. CLS can manual and wallride
  5. Oh my days! Super smooth with the exception of a few cheeky correction hops and nice creative lines. Contrary to what other people seem to want, I actually really enjoy these mini-vids. I'm fond of the little and often approach instead of a big vid once in a blue moon. Peace.
  6. YES MATE My favourite bit was your hair. But I also like the bit where you're riding is sick.
  7. I completely forgot to watch this. If these are the spare clips then I'm looking forward to the money shot. Lovely video.
  8. Sam Nichols


    Pretty certain it's called the milkman clips and it's an extra on Manifesto. The best bit about manifesto is the extras, in my opinion.
  9. I might be sailing close to the wind here but I think it's probably acceptable! I think most people probably have a track list they (or their missus/fella) like to chuck on when their bumping uglies especially if, like me, you're mp3 player has such an eclectic mix of tunes on it that shuffle would be a real moment killer. It might be a little insightful if not amusing. I'll start the ball rolling with a favourite of mine, probably won't be to everyone's taste..
  10. None of my friends annoy me in the real world, so there is no reason why they would annoy me on facebook. So I really can't relate to people who talk about annoying depressing status updates or whatever. Clearly if you're news feed is feel of that shit then you have lot's of randomers or friends of friends or whatever. If you don't then surely the issue is the company you keep rather than the medium they are using to express their views. Facebook has been responsible for so many good times for me that I will say that facebook is a fantastic tool for bringing people together. I would never write a letter to someone and I rarely bother emailing people, but I keep in touch with people from all over the world that I have met at different times, the number of people I regularly catch up with and see what their up to, I would never have the time to email. Facebook is brilliant if used correctly. It has it's place. I think that most of the time people who bitch about it are just trying to be a little bit anti-establishment, people always like to hate mainstream shit, but usually this causes them to lose sight of the great aspects of a product or service. One other thing to the original poster.. You have 521 friends on Facebook. Perhaps THAT is your problem.
  11. Anyone around? I haven't hopped about since it got cold :$
  12. Awesome. Out of interest, any particular reason why you re uploaded it to your own channel instead of just posting the original link?
  13. That's gonna look sick when it's finished, love the concept.
  14. I've got the original file if you want it, darling.
  15. I find it hard to understand quite what it is that you're looking for that makes you unhappy with this. I loved it, it had just the right vibe for me. I think you're being tough on yourself. The riding is fluid. The lines are imaginative. The audio just feels right. It's solid.
  16. I'm not back in Norwich until Friday
  17. Lovely video, fantastic riding. I don't really have anything else to say! Keep it up.
  18. Sam Nichols


    Didn't you watch the last episode of misfits??
  19. Sam Nichols


    It astounds me what he can do on a bike.
  20. Good solid riding there. Love the cheeky little manual at the end.
  21. Aaargh this brings back terrible terrible memories of Eengodieeee. Please condemn it to death.
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