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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Nothing wrong with a bit of banter. Take it on the chin.
  2. The architect that designed that estate needs a mention I think! The guy's a genius.
  3. Very recently, like a week or something like that.
  4. Not a clue, I drove past in a car as he was going the other way, didn't recognise the frame but then again I can't really tell the difference between most modern frames!
  5. 10-Day Weather Forecast for Norwich, United Kingdom
  6. I might pop down, what time you guys meeting / where?
  7. 10. Ditched uni and rode the deserted local skatepark while all the scooter kids and skaters were at school. Words can't describe how much fun it is having a skatepark to yourself.
  8. If you want my advice, avoid the apprenticeship and either go down the RAF route or the Uni route. Apprenticeships in this area are a raw deal. If you want any advice drop me a PM, best not hi-jack Simpsons thread anymore!
  9. At times it takes over my life, but it will definitely be worth it.. PLUS I break up in April and I've got two months off with no assignments or revision or anything. You can't argue with that.
  10. Aircraft Engineering, I've got 18 days to learn that and then do an exam on it!
  11. 6. I have to learn all this, so daunting.. For some reason my left ear has stopped working, it was my favourite ear and now everything is echoey. I haven't ridden since Thursday because of the weather and uni work. I haven't had sex in 44 hours. I'm hungry, but I can't be bothered to move. This rum is tasty though. I wonder what's on TV. It's my birthday tomorrow. 9.
  12. Girls got skills. Please can nobody ever do a wheelie on a trials bike again though. Ever.
  13. My dentist told me not to bother with electric but my dental hygienist highly recommended using one. So I bought one and my teeth haven't fallen out yet. They must work.
  14. Makes everything look so easy, really fluid riding, so much ease. Those 3s left a lot to be desired though, he definitely needs to work on them!! Skimming through a few people have been comparing it to D-Mac and saying they prefer it or it's better or whatever. Behave!
  15. I've checked a few sites and it only seems to be the BBC that predict rain. From what I can see, light drizzle until about 10 ish then it should be fine. Fingers crossed, I don't have a grind so it better not drizzle!!
  16. Sam Nichols

    Inspired First Ride

    First ride so everythings a bit clumsy and I had no bashring at the time of filming (my fault) so it's a wee bit tame! Just needed to get used to using Adobe again and thought you guys might like to see my sexy new bike too! I'll put together a better one soon!
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