Thanks for all the positive comments guys, I was pretty nervous about this video with it being a solo affair, I would have been pretty gutted if everyone hated it!
So thanks a lot, it's all been worthwhile
That's a fair point! I think it's probably because of the self-filmed aspect. The previous eightypsi edit was obviously rammed full of cool people being awesome and the atmosphere of the ride naturally filtered through without me having to try and force out a video with faux atmosphere. I think it's blatantly obvious when you bring out a video that has a natural energy and good vibe about it when compared to one that is filmed with the specific agenda of smacking everyone in the face with how tight your 'crew' is.
I always feel like a douche when I'm filming myself because most of the spots I've found are pretty public, so you've got people watching you film yourself and I guess when someone is watching you film yourself, it's like you're sort of making a statement; 'I think I'm awesome so I'm filming myself as a gift to the world'. When in actual fact I just feel uber self concious and a total tool!
Thanks, Nick.. That's almost a backhanded compliment haha!
The Skye has a dial under the saddle that I'd never spotted before, up until now I've had it set to 'sketchy as f**k'. I turned it one click to the right so now it's set to 'moderately sketchy'.
I'm not sure how to take this?
Are you saying you're glad you finally saw someone who's out of shape riding a Skye?! haha