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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. haha, thats quite amusing. It's not possible I'm afraid - once it has arrived on his phone it is no longer on the network therefore they cant remove it. Sorry
  2. Dude, it doesn't scare me one bit! I only put this up because it was on the news and I thought the forum might like to see it. Firstly I DONT eat microwave meals and ready meals and stuff because they're full of shit and secondly I drink too much alcohol, have smoked pot, work with oil and shit all day, nuke my cups of tea/coffee nd leftovers and I never wear sun lotion. So there you go. :- Now get the f**k out my house. :)
  3. Again Alexx, All these different things that have a chance of causing you to contract cancer may only be a very small chance that they'll do anything... BUT The more times we smoke ciggarettes the greater the chance that we MAY ocntract cancer, equally if we keep eating these foods the chances of us contracting cancer are again greatly increased. This meens that by recalling the foods thats just one extra thing we dont have to be worried about.
  4. But some people live off this stuff, and the thing with getting cancer is that it's not a build up - it happens when your cells divide... Therefore the less often you expose yourself to this type of crap the less the chance of your dividing cells mutating.
  5. A type of food dye has been discovered to cause cancer is lab tests... Huge list of products that are confirmed to have the dye in them. Heres the full ITV story... Heres the full list of foods... Scary shit, sam
  6. hey, i'm trying to find a picture of the hoodies and/or tees.... does anyone have one?
  7. Hey sue, I'll have a medium tee and a large hoody please :( Cheers, Sam
  8. is the move your referring to where you roll your front wheel onto the object then lurch upwards onto the back wheel... OR do you mean where you effectively endo on the object so your back wheel is in the air then hop so your backwheel lands on the obstacle? I got a bit lost sorry :lol:
  9. Sam Nichols


    Although what you said was basic common sense really. Although being a road racer maybe i know more than i thought i knew...
  10. Just a thought.. you say you won't buy new stem for the sake of bars... BUT Stems don't cost that much and by having a stem that only takes wide bars your limiting yourself to only a few (not brilliant in my opinion) bars. Why not get a normal stem and some decent bars?
  11. Also maybe this belongs in ChitChat... as it's not DIRECTLY trials related, kinda.
  12. hehe, I'm owning ass tonite!! Where's Stair Hole?
  13. Salvatorre Leon.... Cant spell it though!
  14. Sam Nichols


    From the album: Sam's gallery!

  15. Good googling skills there! It was indeed the first book of Samuel, Chapter 2, Verse (. your question fishwog
  16. yeah yeah, don't get me wrong - a year or so ago before I found bikes I was well into computing and used to love 'testing' sites security etc - no defacement though, just for the thrill of doing it. :- nowadays thoguh its just not my bag baby! I have huge amounts of respect for those who can work their way around any system with their eyes closed though. It's odd to think that like 2 years ago I could have had a decent conversation with some of the top guys from anomalous-security and blackcode etc etc but now jsut a little while on I know nothing! Thats whats so exciting about computers I think - YOU NEVER KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW.
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