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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Thats pretty scary shit really!
  2. gutted! Maybe you could get it on warranty if you lie? although you won't be able to get another ET (Y)
  3. I'm lost.. is there a new question to answer then?
  4. hahaha quality!!! that really does kick some serious ass (Y)
  5. ooh tough question - hardest one so far maybe? ungoogleable too (Y)
  6. Nah it's cool i was just getting worried thats all (Y) Closed?
  7. Ok i thinks thats case closed. Everythings sorted - we know whats happened so thats that. No more bitching please (Y)
  8. If you ordered it from CRC - theres still time to cancel...
  9. snow storm is usually the result of the warm air associated with an extratropical cyclone (as in the diagram above) flowing up and over the cold air surrounding part of the cyclone. The air being lifted, combined with the abundant water vapor available in the warm air mass, causes cloud water to keep forming. This cloud water is collected by falling ice particles, which grow as the super-cooled cloud water freezes. The ice particles in the clouds grow and combine to become so large that upward flowing air (updrafts) in the clouds can no longer support them, and they fall to the ground. The more water vapor there is available to the cloud, and the stronger the updrafts that cause this water vapor to condense into cloud water or ice particles, the more likely it is that snow will form within the cloud. A cold, cloudy day with no snow indicates that there is either not enough water vapor available to the cloud, or that the rising motion creating the cloud is not enough to cause snow (or both). (Even at temperatures as low as -40 degrees F, tiny cloud water droplets remain liquid, until they become attached to an ice particle, and then they freeze.) Snow can also form from very cold air flowing over a large ice-free lake, a situation called lake effect snow.
  10. Thats a bitch of a question!! 6 terabytes is equal to 5.277654 * 10+013 bits It's hard to type that one in... :( If a dog is 10 years old - how old is he in human years... ?
  11. Hey, I've been waiting a week for him to send me some money too :( Do you still need his number? I'll pm you it if you want...
  12. None because there never were any. Thats why Bush is suck a pleb. How many bits in a byte?
  13. I'm both suprised (and a little pleased also) that you've said that. I was worried becuase i need to get some money before i can place an order and i was worried they'd all be gone :( Come on guys, why haven't you ordered yet?? Sam
  14. This is making me grumpy now, it's pissing me off. Bands for charity = good thing. Case Closed :ermm:
  15. Because it's also about awareness. Thats why we wear poppies and such like. It's more of a respectful type thing than anything.
  16. :ermm: You seem to be ignoring the only good advice thats been posted! When i wanted a helmet i trust tried on EVERY single helmet in my shop until one... A: Fitted Me Well B: Looked The Part All helmets sold in the uk MUST conform to the same British Standard - therefore (theoretically) al helmets are just as good as each other. So it dosnt really matter, you just have to be comfy in your lid - otherwise you won't wear it enough OR will get pissed off with it.
  17. Only 8 pins per side!! And they look tiny.
  18. I can't really figure out how that works, they are NOT designed as fashion items - they are sold to promote awareness and to raise money for the livestrong cancer foundation. So, they could never sell enough bands in my opinion. Also the fact that they ahve become a fashion item is brilliant. It means more are sold so more cancer victims get more support. Period.
  19. I'm not sure if anyone on heres used them - but Outland make some magnesium pedals that are actually very nice. Light, because they are magnesium. last a long time too, grippy and pretty big. Get in touch with your local raleigh dealer (Y) £30 to £40
  20. I saw that on EBAY! There've been a couple, i think it looks quite nice - thinking about buying one too see since they are very very cheap (Y)
  21. MET Badboys are nice helmets BUT they are actually childrens (well in between the very small ladybug type helmets and adults helmets) So unless he's got a small head it might not fit...
  22. I've heard that a lot of wheel builders like to get their spokes to ring out a D or G note (musical note (Y)) Park also sell spoken tensioner checker for ridiculous amounts... Ah well, back to the question in hand i suppose :D
  23. Sun rims are very very nice. I cant remember which ones most people use - It's either the double wides or rhyno lites. Have a look here on crc (Y)
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