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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Hey, I'm after some new cranks for my Norco but I can't seem to decide on which to go for. Now I know that the first choice will always be middleburns due to the weight, strength after sales care etc But to be honest I'd like summit a bit different so I'm just wondering what options there are? Basically the criteria is as follows... Square Taper 175mm (ish) Burly looking (I'm thinking 3-piece or race face style - middleburn looks a bit feeble in my opinion) Lightweight Strong Sexy Also, if anybody has a pair of nice cranks for sale then feel free to post :o Cheers guys, Sam
  2. Shin/Knee pads and a helmet? Shock Horror!
  3. Oh he's going to be kicking himself when you tell him on tuesday that all he ahd to do was right click!!
  4. You mean pictures in sigs :o
  5. befotssoxius three words, im not making it easy by splitting them up into word groups :o
  6. Or you could try going tubeless... ?
  7. "...although not entertaining enough to keep Sam from being bored..." Night guys :S
  8. which wasn't very pleasant
  9. picked up the box of tissues
  10. which is odd because houses dont have limbs
  11. If you go on the old style thoughts page it tells you everybody who posts IP. Not 100% sure why it hasn't been set up to be hidden... I'm not really that chuffed having my IP branded all over the net... :P
  12. IP is host217-42-97-250.range217-42.btcentralplus.com He's not online at the moment though... EDIT: :P too quick
  13. the correct method for boiling an egg
  14. If you look in the 'Frequently Asked Questions' section of 'Trials Chat' Bongo actually has a dedicated thread where he sorts out peoples BMX problems. I'd ask there if I was you :P
  15. Sam Nichols

    Leeson 609

    It's also on the wrong side, your QRs should always be on the non drive side of the bike. (Y) I cant wait then :) ;)
  16. Sam Nichols

    Free Ipods

    14 :D hehe, sorry buddy :) Once i've got enough referrals that have actually been confirmed i'll change my referral to yours if you want/need me to (Y)
  17. Sam Nichols

    Free Ipods

    Bollocks, i'm thinking anonymous mail droppers now? :o
  18. Sam Nichols

    Free Ipods

    Oh how I love proxies!! :P :P" :o Alexx wanna discuss the 'loophole' to not paying? Then we can discuss how I'm gonna sort you out with a couple of referrals :P :P If anybody cares to click on my link I'd be very very thankful...
  19. Sam Nichols

    Silly Laws

    You're allowed to shoot a Scottish man on the sabbath day with a burning arrow. Oh yeah, I can't remember if it's Alderney or Sark - but one of the small Islands in the Channel Islands (where I live) still have the death sentence. Although they have no way of enforcing it! :o
  20. I'm not sure if you actually took the time to click the link, but that place only does it in a 50m reel and at £10 does it really matter? One day you might need a bit more... Less speed more haste.
  21. Sam Nichols


    haha funny shit - TheCircus lets have your word(s) now!! :-
  22. Google is and always will be your friend... http://www.buckingham-nurseries.co.uk/aqua...ittings_33.html Scroll down to the bottom, couple of pund a metre sounds good to me :-
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