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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Anybody got a pair of these or used them? Just after peoples opinion? I've heard they can be flexy. but surely running a decent booster will sort that out? What do people think?
  2. OR just get loads of allen keys together (metric and imperial) then find one that fits reasonably snuggly - then fill the bolt with super glue and stick the allen key in and put superglue around the edges and what not. Leave it for an hour or so to be sure it has definitely dried, then away you go :mellow:
  3. Hey, Does anybody know where on the net theres like some kind of thingy where you can type in a word and the computer will say it back to you? I know you can so this with XP but it's been disabled on my school computer soooo y'know... Any help? Cheers Guys!
  4. holly middlesborough (probably spelt wrong) 8
  5. Shitters. I got home at about 11pm last night and I was thinking to myself 'I'm sure there was a film I really really wanted to watch tonite... meh, I'll go to bed' :turned: Ah well, seen it before though - great film (Y) ;) :)
  6. Makes sense really... I mean do you really expect MBUK to stock every single possible size? That would be silly! Sam
  7. Sam Nichols


    Callum didnt really explain that very well... its talking about the gap between firstly the 'FISH' to the 'AND' then from the 'AND' to the 'CHIPS' Thats why the 'AND' is repeated twice (Y)
  8. Just wait and wait and wait and eventually one will come your way (Y) It worked for me kind of, I've only been waiting 17years but meh eventually I got chatting to a girl and although we aren't a couple we're gonna be going out soon so y'know - crazy shit could be going down :wub: Sam
  9. Well this is fun... (that was a statement about this thread, not a random comment)
  10. The thing is unless you have a bike carved from a solid block of titanium and made about 12inches thick then you're not gonna have a frame that'll last you forever. All trials frames WILL snap eventually and that's a fact. This doesn't effect norcos reputation in anyway, they still make the best North Shore / Freeride bikes in the world! Plus, eight months is still a long time for a frame on a bike that retails at 1000 canadian dollars - thats about 450 pounds sterling!! She's lasted brilliantly well! EDIT: Spelling.
  11. These type of topics bug me a bit now :- Just sit down and right down everything you love about trials and everything you hate about trials... if the hates outweigh the loves then quit. Alternatively, just put your bike in the shed and leave it there... move on to another hobby or whatever... then in a couple week when you realize what a tit you have been and how much you love trials, hook it back out and carry on again :) Job's a goodun.
  12. Probably shit hot... Anyway, anybody who can ride with style is much better than any UCI rider - UCI can be learnt, style only comes with experience In that Jonny is emulating Ryans style of riding :o"
  13. I wonder how many people who have voted actually watched all of the videos? Meh, good luck guys :)
  14. True, but if you really love and want a frame but you really hate and detest maguras... What sounds better... around £30 for some adapters.. or not having the frame?
  15. You lucky b*****d! The biscuit is the worst bit :- (Y)"
  16. Jeez guys it's only a bit of fun! Let's face it, this is a bit more interesting/funny thatn some of the other topics in here... Shall I continue?
  17. Surely you can see you've just made Toms point... you only put the lagging in on monday and it has already started compressing! Will probably last about a week at a time.. at most.
  18. Dude did you actually read back what you typed? This ban is purely for identifying people if they go into shops and stuff, it's exactly the same as removing helmets. Stop being a twat, going on about banning shoes because they could be used as a weapon. You tool.
  19. Just looking at that pic, I can't understand how it prevents pinch punctures? The pinch happens when the tube is squished between the tyre and rim... yet that pipe lagging only protects the top of the tyre... I'm lost (Y)
  20. Another good idea bites the Trials-Forum dust :angry: Good work though matey, i'm defo gonna give it a go (N) I rim like a b*****d so anything that stops it (other than smooth riding!) is worth a go! Cheers dude.
  21. Let's get one thing straight... They aren't banning hoodies! This is about banning hoodies in places such as banks, pubs, clubs and shops - the areas where these items of clothing are used to intimidate the public and disguise themselves against being identified. Much the same as you can't walk into a bank or into a petrol station wearing a helmet. Basically there isn't one valid and reasonable argument you can give in favour of these items of clothing not being in places where they are regularly used as (effectively) a weapon against us, the public. So quite whining and let the inevitable take its course.
  22. In that case none of the frames you mentioned! Leeson (streety/flicky but also very responsive and light and nice for natural) Curtis - Both are strong sweet frames that will hold their own on either the streets or the rocks... however the Street is obviously the streetier of the two and the Comp is well the more natural/comp orientated one. Giants are nice, good for natural and comps due to there trials geometry... but slap some sus on and they are very streety. Even without sus they are very flickable and nice for trials. Hopefully thats covered most different price ranges. Hope it helps (Y)
  23. You don't put sus on the Norco evolve! Thats like the onza//koxx/etc competition. Norco Moment is the sus one :D As for the other frames you mentioned, you have to remember that suspension puts stress and strain on all these different weird and wonderful places on the frame as well as messing up the geometry - so you could end up with a frame that feels poo and goes SCHNAP! However safe bets seem to be things like the Giant frame (since andys is holding up fine, put a proper seat on though! please...) also the diamondbacks like jonny jones seem ok and he loves his :D Join the revolution (Y)
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