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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. Anyway back to the actual topic. Not a good idea, don't try it... dangerous dangerous. (Y)
  2. I've forgotten what this topic is about now (Y)
  3. There wasn't a New Members chat 3 years ago. Idiot.
  4. Meh. Hold on one second... There I'm over it now (N) Whilst we're on the subject of Harry Potter, does anybody else hope MrMonkey dies? (his trials-forum alter ego that is... not the actual person B))
  5. Well actually only one person said it's false... And it blatantly isn't.
  6. I'm gonna ignore MrMonkeys post... *Deep Breaths* But surely it should say... HARRY POTTER SPOILER. You still don't actually know what it's spoiling... (N) It just peeved me off 'cause I actually enjoy the Harry Potter books and was looking forward to it and now I'm gonna know exactly what's gonna happen. Sure you guys might think I'm being petty and getting bothered about nothing but it's not really on.
  7. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/style_...default/mad.gif
  8. I didn't say that B) Still think you're out of order. (N)
  9. Sorry but that really really isn't funny at all. Why spoil it for other people? Sure you think it's shit and couldn't care less about it but to be perfectly honest you're a tosser. I'm not sure why you lost your SM status but I'm pretty sure you deserved it, and this is another reason to add to the list of you not deserving to be one. Idiot.
  10. So why did you say for him to make sure he has the right wheels etc because YOU spent a fortune? That's like me saying 'don't buy a car I bought a lambi once and it cost me a fortune!'
  11. To be perfectly honest if you like dirt jumping and street riding I'd be inclined to go for some decent vee brakes. The problem with the disciplines you're into is that it's a lot of trial and error involved in perfecting tricks and stuff so you bail a lot and I know from riding dirt and street back in the day your bars always spin a hundred times and this can and (sods law) will result in ripping out hoses! I wouldn't bother with discs myself, unless your gonna be riding in the wet a lot or doing BIG downhill runs and stuff, in which case vees won't really be up to it. Also, MesaMan you mention that you spent a fortune on the wheels so you could run discs... But if you're money conscious why did you buy pricey stuff? You can pick up front and rear disc wheels dirt cheap! Some real good quality ones too.
  12. Just cut your bars down nice and short then there's less leverage on the bars and less chance of snappering :angry: Plus you'll be uber streety (Y)
  13. w00t :angry: I got summit right, yaya!
  14. Just a guess, but maybe all the old threads and stuff were pruned? Meh, does it really matter?
  15. Most of us ride. The favoured discipline is trials. I'd suggest that as you're a trials rider you give it a go... Could be fun. Imagine the looks on your friends faces when they see you riding :P
  16. Didn't mean to sound harsh mate... It's just there are sooo many topics about smn being down, kinda gets annoying :P Forum Search = messenger
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