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Sam Nichols

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Sam Nichols last won the day on January 18

Sam Nichols had the most liked content!

About Sam Nichols

  • Birthday 03/01/1988

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  • Real Name
    Samuel L Jackson
  • Bike Ridden
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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. I'm angry that tomturd archived my Angry Thread.
  2. The title had me expecting a curb video! Edits rule and this was awesome to watch. Super smooth riding and cool lines. Thanks for the providing me with some motivation!
  3. Sam Nichols

    Another Lap

    There was almost too much awesome riding in there - could do with a bit of filler every so often so I can blink! Absolute love your style, can't wait to see more this year!
  4. Don't let it get you down! I'm back riding after pretty much a 2 year hiatus and finding my confidence has taken a massive hit. It's just a case of getting out as much as you can and remembering that it's supposed to be fun!! No sense in beating yourself up for being rusty, just keep at it
  5. https://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_keep_your_goals_to_yourself
  6. Veeeeery swish guys. Really nice work. Loving the front wheel skills and all the tech, Ali. Who's the Amish @ 2:04? I haven't rided my trials bike for a year o.O, watching this has made me sad and also motivated. Time to sort my life out!
  7. [/devilsadvocate] Seeing "Choreographer: Jack Meek" in the credits always makes me think of a certain scene from the film 'Black Swan'... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRgWBkIkVaE
  8. Devils advocate; creative riding and simply doing bog standard moves on 'interesting' terrain are two entirely different things.
  9. Am I the only person who kneels then??
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