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Everything posted by aener

  1. Ben and Matt, thank you. It's nice to hear views from people who don't simply scoff at the idea. I spoke to my tutor (Recording Technologies... Totally unrelated, but he's in to this sort of thing too) and he mentioned it's all linked in with string theory. This was news to me - I never really looked in to string theory either, but when he explained it I guess it can't not be. Then I got thinking... If everything we detect is an electrical signal, or vibration, and everything that we detect has a mass, which is energy, which is another vibration - can we cut out the middleman? It'd be cool... Basically - we've currently got a circuit with a signal at one end, a transducer, through the air in it's new form, then another transducer and back in to electrical signals in the brain. I dunno, ionise all the air in the world or something I bet it'd be like Neo's vision in The Matrix. I like the idea of the God killing himself and us being the result. That'd make us all his direct descendants. Perhaps the Big Crunch will bring about the re-birth of God! What's the 2D surface that we are projected from on? Is it a bigger universe, and we're just a moving hologram on a billboard in their universe, and they're the same for an even deeper level universe? Being that this universe has fractals written all over it, it seems crazy that it shouldn't extend out that way too. I guess I just said we've made millions of teeny little static universes. Think of all those holograms on the side of old Disney movie cases. I guess our's is a bit more of a sophisticated one than those.
  2. I am interested in them. It would be great if you'd post it here though, so anyone that's passively interested can also read it, but whatever if you're reluctant. PM in that case Hopefully you can inform me of further thoughts if you've studied it even a bit. Very interested, but I don't think I'd be smart enough to properly understand it. Especially when people explaining it on the net assume you have some prior advanced education in the area
  3. I am a StumbleUpon user. It's great. I've got quite a broad range of interest boxes ticked, so I get quite a variety of things come up. Over time, I've mostly clicked "like" on funny pictures, flash games and little music applications people made for Google's Summer of Code, so that's most often what I get back. It was quite unusual when this came up: http://twm.co.nz/hologram.html Or, more accurately, when THIS came up: http://www.globalone.tv/group/quantumquest/forum/topics/is-the-universe-a-holographic - though the top link is the original source. (Well, no... but it's more original ) It's quite a read - be warned. I'm not too sure how I feel about all that was said, though I found it thoroughly fascinating. I'd LOVE to believe it, but it just seems too far out, I think. Would anyone care to express their thoughts/opinions? Top link also has links within the article that link to other big reads, that back up, extend, and further confuse.
  4. aener

    Onza Comp

    Congratulations on your perfect bike. That bar/stem/frame geometry combination is the absolute king.
  5. That music was some of the worst in existence, though it's coupled with some of the best riding, so I guess it evens out Monster riding.
  6. That's a point. He was always on about the bender they had not being very precise, but the bends on his frames tubes look pretty even. Will ask him. Excellent idea!
  7. Just incase anyone who has them looks in here, what's the 14deg upsweep of the Rockman bars like? I can't even THINK of buying any, but I quite like the sound of it. I really hate 6/8deg sweep bars, so I have Montys, which are 12x11 tilted forward so the backsweep looks vertical from the side. The idea of even more sweep excites me, just wondering what anyone makes of them.
  8. aener

    Raceline Maguras

    Not me. I argued yellow. Friend of mine argued green.
  9. My, oh my! Maybe they'd go a bit bigger than him, but a video of those two with Marco Grosenick thrown in would be about the best ever.
  10. Honest to God, I am in love with this guy, and have been since that wintery video last year. Possibly my favourite rider ever.
  11. That's the third video with that spot in. I WANT to go there. Where abouts in London is it? The one that was in a Rowan Johns video (up to front, pivot over a skinny wall, fakie manual away, wheelie forwards and then tap the same wall), an PhatMike's recent one... Looks amazing. Also - without slowmo, that would've been about 4 minutes long, rather than 8
  12. Exactly what I mean, and why I don't like it when people use songs that have been used before.
  13. It's in the settings when you open the project file, I think. Been a long time since I used it. Trawl through the settings - you want something like "PAL 16:9", or "PAL Widescreen". Might also be listed as "16:9, 25fps" or equivalent.
  14. Always had these thoughts, but was inspired to make the thread by the recent Jack Chinnery video. He used Everloving (Moby, I believe), which was also used in "CLS - The End", for those that don't know. I was astonished that he'd do this. Whilst perhaps not quite disrespectful, it does seem very bad manners - especially when the video is a very good one/very well known. I know it's not just me, as other people mentioned it, but I'd like to know what everyone thinks. I understand that as videos get older, less new riders see them - but it seems to be less insulting the older they are, anyway. It's like if BMW used the same music as Audi in an advert - but with different reasoning.
  15. I can't quite believe you actually used that song. Just seems... ill-mannered. Also - loose the fisheye and start putting videos in the proper aspect ratio. Brake sound nuts though.
  16. Even if I had a phone that could make use of app's, I wouldn't be getting that one until the next version's release and they've fixed the output display. Sure you can see what's going on, but it's too glitchy for me
  17. aener

    Ryan Leech

    I just wish he'd start making videos of riding, rather than talking about riding.
  18. aener

    T33Zr - Summerclips

    It's been too long, t33zr. Please go back to making 90 second videos every 10 days Very much improved riding! Nice. When did you switch to stock?
  19. Y'know what sucks? When people who have perfectly serviceable wheels buy new ones, when mine are f**ked and I can't afford replacements Look swanky man - you out tomorrow?
  20. Am I having a crazy moment, or is that head-angle majorly f**ked up? Looks SO slack.
  21. Because a couple of years ago (I think, maybe a bit more) a band of Mod's got particularly annoyed at the 12 year olds on the forum saying things like "pyfons *** innit", and put a word filter on "F-T-W". I'd guess they simply never removed it. Ask OBM - I seem to remember him being one of the figureheads
  22. I'm 21 in January Mod for everything riding-wise, but stock for looks. I'd like to ride a stock, they look SO much better proportioned, but I just feel so damn awkward on them. Even prefer my compy mod to my 609 for streety stuff I guess I'd adapt if given long enough - but I'm not gonna torture myself over it
  23. How much is "loads"? Is it brand new? Mine was dead tight when I first got it. Felt stiff even just to spin around. No wobble at all. If it's brand new and the lock-ring's tight, I'd send it back for definite.
  24. Out of curiosity - is it that someone else got the sole import rights [read: Trials-UK]? If it's not then I'd be interested to know, as I got a bunch of Bionic/Zhi bits imported from BTS, and they've been great so far.
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