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Everything posted by aener

  1. You should also bear in mind that these bikes will very rarely be going at speed Not to start an argument about street vs. "proper" trials - I'm just saying. The comp/TGS type builds can be much lighter without feeling weird 'cause of how they're ridden.
  2. No. It's in Wilko's. It's not on their online catalogue. Just checked.
  3. The one at Wilko's has a slew of functions... Speed, Distance, Calories burnt (not entirely convinced with that one ) etc. One of them is a stop watch. ~£6.
  4. Why is it on a keyboard? Struggling to spot the reference/relevance I remember wanting them to do this a long time ago - but when I asked people why they don't already, they said it would just be ridiculously expensive. I understand why - and that's all fair enough. For what is likely going to cost a lot more, I think I'll stick with threaded ones. As Mark said - it's not THAT bad a job if you have a decent vice. Would very much like to see them become the standard, without a price-jump though. (A little more is Ok - competition will bring it back down eventually )
  5. I hate those guys It's so depressing
  6. With this as a very close second, as I'm an utter ass-bandit for John Webster.
  7. aener

    Ben Rowlands

    Just watched again and I really want to ride now
  8. aener

    Ben Rowlands

    Again - super-cool That bar snap looked so bizarre. Never seen them go on a bunnyhop before. Monster stuff.
  9. aener

    Bucket List :)

    Kill self before getting laid.
  10. By all the comp boys having high bb'd short bikes too. "Slating" may have been on the strong side - but it sure gets annoying.
  11. I'd like to be there if you ever meet Benito Ros/Diego Barrio/other big mod competition rider. It'd be nice to know if you'd slate them for riding "pogo sticks", or if you just get your kicks from tormenting teenagers on the internet.
  12. Where abouts are we to meet? No idea on what's where. Any free parking around?
  13. Obviously I'm not him - but it's pretty much always been 11.30 with him. Sound good?
  14. aener


    Lots of kudos for doing something new, and even more for doing it well. I understand that what I just watched takes a lot of skill... Much more than I have - but it just doesn't look good, to me. Still - whatever I want the next in the line of "normal trials" videos. Earthed III is by far his most enjoyable, for me.
  15. aener


    They sound quite sophisticated examples of what Max can do! Blimey. It's next on the list after I've gotten the hang of SC. Did you ever try out Jitter? Or are you a fellow non-Appler?
  16. Well I like the carbon, even if no-one else does. Breaks up that what-would've-been massive expanse of blue just nicely. The blue is nice, too.
  17. aener


    Why to remove all remaining artisticness from music, of course! It's very powerful for creating sounds, which you can ReWire in to stuff. Also very good at getting certain parameters of... whatever you damn well want to be generated randomly, or in a certain fashion, or from a pattern... It's as powerful as Terminal is compared to a window-based GUI. Very useful, but only if you want to do things that most users wouldn't. If you just want a basic audio production tool, it's a pain in the arse.
  18. aener


    Yes, 'cause I'm obviously involved with that.
  19. aener


  20. aener


    ... I would be - once again - forever in your debt, if you could arrange that.
  21. Damnit Mark! You make brakeless look so fun! It's far more frustrating than your videos convey, from what I've tried of it Also - kinda weird that today was the first time I've ever been to Wolverhampton, and this is the first video with Wolverhampton in that I've seen in ages. Heh. Snowwy as shit, but seems a very under-rated place. Supersweet riding. Seems very much the "I'm gonna have fun today", rather than (unfortunately) my mindset of "I'm gonna get grumpy if I can't do something I could do last time, and only actually be happy if I do something better."
  22. aener


    I know it's a MASSIVE longshot, but just in case... I'm pretty much only just started out, but I've hit quite a few snags. Looked for ages online to no avail, and battled with the help files for hours, but I need someone to "humanize" them Would any users be able to give me a bit of direction please? If you know any other function-based language, I guess you'd still be able to shed some light. Thanks, though I'm not hopeful.
  23. That second picture of the welding-test cross pieces... I had to look twice to notice it wan't a photo! Detail is incredible man. Amazing. Will you be able to animate this, or is it for stills only? (Sorry if it's a dumb question, I know nothing of these things.)
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