Recorded some clips earlier, and happened to stay out until it got dark. Decided to get to know how to use a camera a bit mor ethan point and shoot.
The most notable example of the issue I'm trying to overcome came during the light, which puzzled me.
The two clips of the Hope lever. The first isn't so bad - but the second has some really bad grain going on. I don't remember changing anything between taking the two clips, though I suppose I must have.
What settings can I change to reduce this? I have manual control over: White Balance, Aperture Size, Shutter Speed, EV, Focus, and turning Tele Macro on and off.
The night clips aren't as bad as normal since I changed the aperture size to a smaller setting, and the shutter speed to 1/50 rather than "auto", which seems like 1/10 or something.
It reduces the grain, but I can't get rid of it.
I read somewhere a long time ago changing the WB would help things like this, but it just turns it purple, red and blue
Are the night-clips about as good as they'll get? It's not an expensive camera so its only got a diddy sensor in it - so I'm Ok with it if it is - would just like to improve them if possible.
The horrible looking clip on the end is what the camera's "Smart Auto" setting looks like.
On a different note - the night clips are the first ones I've ever really tried to make look good. What differences would make them better?
Thanks for any light you can shed - I googled for a while, but don't have a clue what I'm talking about. "reducing graininess night footage" yields poor results.
Oh - and I bet you can't guess which is my wrong side to sidehop