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Everything posted by aener

  1. aener

    Two Leicester Rides

    Not out this weekend unfortunately. Currently a DualCore 2.0GHz and 4GB of 800MHz DDR2 RAM, and it JUST about hacks 720. Just bought a new tower off eBay that should prety much rinse 1080, so should be cool
  2. Any Linux users - what do you use? I never edited video when I was last in it, and PiTiVi is awful. Any recommendations? I'd like not to have to go to Windows again if possible. Video is last two Leicester rides. It's not amazing - but it's something to watch
  3. There's a difference between accepting that there'll be an energy crisis and claiming that an almighty organization is going to reduce the Earth's population by 7/8. Also - I'd say the world isn't all that far from chaos with what... three wars raging simultaneously? Or were these wars seeded by disguised Illuminati members as a start for reduving it?
  4. It amuses me just how similar conspiracy nuts and fundamentalist Christians[/other religion] sound. I didn't sway either way in the argument until I heard the Queen's actually a lizard from outer-space. Now I'm totally on Dave's side.
  5. God-damnit Jayjay. I thought we'd agreed on not using dubstep! Still - riding was pretty swish
  6. Nicely done Looks a fun place to ride.
  7. aener

    Jack Meek

    Sweet clips - but here's a radical idea... Bear with me on this 'cause it might seem a bit outlandish. Why not try putting all these clips you keep posting together in to one collection sort of thing? Maybe put some music behind it - that'd be pretty sweet, I reckon.
  8. You DID build the greatest backyard trials park ever. That place looks FUN.
  9. Triiiiiiiiiaaaalteeeeeeech.
  10. Exactly this. 158's with 18:13.
  11. Back to the re-welded Comp, I think. Hope it lasts a while longer while I decide which way to go on a new one.
  12. Thanks. It's some cheapo 0.45x thing off eBay I got for £12.
  13. I envy you for a lunch break that goes on until it's dark Pretty swish video.
  14. Filmed throughout Feb. Music is Four Tet - My Angel Rocks Back and Forth from the Rounds album. Apparently a wide angle lens and good weather make ALL the difference (Bristol clips compared to non-Bristol clips)
  15. I've cut a finger off. Do NOT do it. Secondly - saving weight on the rider is vastly different to saving weight on the bike. Much less useful.
  16. That's funny - 'cause I think I meant feel-wise
  17. They're nice'n'all, but what's the need for two such similar set-ups?
  18. And that cleaning all the mud off those pedals probably would've saved more weight than those holes in the bash
  19. aener


    It is the stuff of the bike riding, a little bit. A lot of better footage disappeared - so this is more of a fun one.
  20. aener


    Another day at Bunny with Flipp and Boumsong.
  21. aener


    Just a day (03/05/08) at Bunny Cement Works. Flipp on Zoot, Boumsong on Zennith. Just practicing with cameras and editting really - not major riding. Head-cam ran out of battery, else there'd be more usage of it.
  22. aener


    A day's riding at Bunny Cement Works.
  23. Loughborough's pretty pants for trials - but we recently got a new skatepark built. I got a £100 bargain BMX off eBay for a bit of fun on the side. It's fun. Real fun. But coming from a reasonably TGS background, I'm somewhat lacking in imagination. Tried watching some BMX DVD's, which help out, and I love watching - but street really doesn't do it for me. All the ones I find are 90% street, if not 100%. I'm after the opposite - mostly park with the odd street clip. Found a whole bunch of normal videos - but I like the whole sit-down-and-chill-for-45-minutes thing. Thanks
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