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Everything posted by aener

  1. aener

    Tra - On A Mission

    No more Caelifera? Beasty as ever, but he looks far too big for that bike. Maybe it's the lens distorting things.
  2. Not really a fair test though, is it Stan rides so smooth I'd be willing to put money on that if he had a full carbon frame, it'd still last longer than an ally frame with an average rider.
  3. aener

    I Need Internets.

    Been with them before and they were fine, but in student house this year I was with Virgin, and they were a f**king nightmare. First few weeks were fine, got pretty decent speeds most the time. But we got capped, disconnected and cut off alltogether at several points. Pricing was massively inconsistent as well. Supposedly unlimited bandwidth, but got charged for going over. Sometimes quite heavily. Worth mentioning I was in a student-dense area, so that was likely the main issue - but even so. I'll not be going with them ever again.
  4. Lizardmen in the non-40k, followed by 'Nids and Necrons later on. I kind of miss it, I think. Hideously overpriced, but I did get serious enjoyment out of it at the time.
  5. By all accounts we should be there for 11/11:10, but no promises
  6. Josh and I will be there, but could you stick around for us this time please? We were about 10 minutes late last time and you'd all gone off already.
  7. Isn't your bike silver? Haha. Kidding. That's possibly the best cake I've seen.
  8. Did you even read the question? Plastics. Always. Never had metal backings be anything but detrimental - including Heatsink Yellows. Mind you, I can't set a brake up for toss as I'm fairly crap at maintenance.
  9. So it WAS you I was riding alongside in Portsmouth. On the wavy bench bit, thought it looked like you, but you got a whole new bike since last I saw, which threw me right off Sweet video!
  10. Consider switching from foam to rubber/rubber to foam grips maybe? I used to use rubber, then switched to foam. Got used to it, and now any substantial time on rubber grips makes my hands hurt. Edit: different diameters might make a difference. What about your lever position? My hands ache if the brakes lock too far from the bars. As a last resort, bars? Maybe more sweep would ease it off.
  11. So you knew it had been posted multiple times already, yet proceeded to post it anyway? You're normally the first to shout "Repost!" rather than commenting on the video. What happened to you?
  12. Then I apologize. He sounds like a fanny indeed.
  13. I might be wrong, but you looked taller than 4'7" last time I saw you.
  14. Return it direct to the owner hoping for a reward. £150k is too much. If it was a £150, I'd keep it. I don't know where the threshold between keeping and returning would lie. Probably around the £1,000 mark.
  15. I doubt it's to do with publicity. I'd wager your site was only used as a honing of his skills. If they want to get good at hacking, they have to start small. Adding a tag is proof to their 1337 friends that they've done it. Gotta hack small websites like yours before they can take on Sony The fact he only left a tag and didn't screw stuff up for you kind of implies he's not in it for malice.
  16. This. I've played on a fair variety of 24's too, and not a single one bunnyhops or spins or manuals as easy as a BMX. If you have a type of riding in mind, get the right tool for the job, otherwise you're just making things harder for yourself. Admittedly, if you want street trials, rather than street BMX - BMXy moves are easier on a 24 than trialsy moves on a BMX. Depends what riding appeals to you.
  17. Joint places are allowed, but a total of ten albums. No compilations or VA's. I tried making this list out of interest to see what I'm in to at the minute, and it's really hard. So many albums to consider that didn't immediately jump to mind. Take some time to consider. You'll probably end up re-discovering some very good music in the process. I did. Mostly for a bit of fun, but might prove useful for people wanting to find new music. See someone post a band you like then try out some of the others in their list. Here's mine, but it's subject to change. So many I want in there, but can only have ten: Best last: 10th - Mogwai - Come On, Die Young 9th - Nebulo - Kolia 8th - Amon Tobin - The Foley Room 7th - Empusae - The Hatred of Trees 6th - Venetian Snares - Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding 5th - Autechre - Oversteps 4th - Massive Attack - Heligoland 3rd - Aphex Twin - Drukqs 2nd - 65 Days Of Static - The Fall of Math 1st - The Flashbulb - Kirlian Selections I thought I was in to relatively underground music, but my favourite albums turn out to be mostly by pretty big names Oh well - I guess they're successful for a reason, right?
  18. (Edit: MY) Main issue with front rim brakes is the feel at the lever. They're disgusting. Having been running a disc for almost my whole riding time, front rim brakes just feel like scraping two rocks on the wheel. I guess that means I like a spongy front brake :/ Haha.
  19. Mr TRA, Will you please make some more of your stunning HD videos please? Yours faithfully, A big fan.
  20. I read that he'd been hospitalized, and really hoped it wouldn't be on video. Almost stopped watching when I realized they were gonna show it. Hope this doesn't put him out for good, been such an inspirational rider. Can't imagine it'd stop him altogether but the way he was talking makes it look dim. Pre-crash lines were real nice, too.
  21. Don't you think it's rather obvious I already am doing?
  22. Bit long for what it is, but to encompass it all it had to be. I'm a student and my riding buddy works. Rained all bank holiday and is super sunny when he's back at work. Went to Bunny and this was all I did. Got infected with a passionate determination, and so 2.5 hours and 127 attempts later - I now have very sore feet. All the clips are chronological - save the first one obviously - and the first attempt was the first time I'd ever tried it. Never ramped up anything over bar-height before, so I'm stoked as a goat. You get to see the progression from the absolute start, and battling a minor mental block. Not as exciting as a full video, but it's something a little bit different I suppose. How awesome is it to land it bang on 128? Wicked.
  23. Might be due to badly setting brakes up, but I always find plastics provide a better stopping force than metals.
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