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Everything posted by aener

  1. Stop worrying about your bike, and ride it. It's actually rather nice. If it was mine, I would only change minor things like bar angles and the amount of lever action. Seriously - just get on with it. If I had to throw money at it, I'd say some Try-All tyres - but that's it.
  2. Bunnyhop-up-to-fronts... Are you MAD?! Really like your style.
  3. Seeing as it's you that asked, I vow never to make one.
  4. As far as I'm concerned, the ONLY reason to not go dual disc is if you sidehop to the left. This is a very good reason - I bent three rotors in two weeks before giving up (was in full-on TGS mode at the time). In my personal opinion - Heatsink Yellows in plastic backings, Echo TR rim, very light grind with the thinnest metal cutting disc you can find, TR clamps and a booster. But feel free to ignore me. My opinion isn't exactly up-to-date I wouldn't touch TNN ANYTHING with a bargepole. Nothing but disappointment from their pads, backings and clamps.
  5. As said on FB, really really cool. Adore your riding. Swish as hell. Another new frame though? I thought you only just got one?
  6. It's just a little too late, by the sound of it, but: A gift for you:
  7. Sure you can. You just won't be the first to have done so I guess we're even. I've done a bunch of lines around Leeds that I was dead chuffed with only to have Carl tell me afterwards that you'd already done it! I guess we're even Thanks though! (Apart from the hating bit )
  8. Obviously I can't speak for 26", but the TryAll's are just the best. There's only ONE reason I don't have them, and that's the wear rate when having to foot-scrub to slow down
  9. Sure, I'll set it going, but it might not be up 'till tomorrow if the youtube upload's anything to go by Thanks guys
  10. For the past month or so, I've been trying to film for a video. On account of broken bikes, disgraceful weather, minor injuries and being so inconsistent as to make throwing a dice look ordered, I'd collected eight clips. Got super-frustrated, and then it was raining all day when it said it'd be sunny. Stupid Northern weather and even stupider Met office Took a trip back down to the midlands and rode Wolverhampton with Kyle (where it ALSO rained). Was super fun, I didn't ride like a fish out of water for once, and actually got some stuff on film. This is a video of today, with those extra eight clips thrown in. It's a bit me-heavy since I was originally filming for a me-video. Really chuffed with some of it, but it seems the trialsy side is pretty much exclusively sidehops. Ah well. I do love sidehops Kyle: sorry if using this music embarrasses you. I listen almost exclusively to music that just doesn't work in videos, it would appear, so I took Carl's advice: "ignore what the forum think and use something you like, that kind of works and is about the right length." This is what I came up with I'll hopefully start a new "proper" video after winter. ("Enough waffle!" I sense your fingers itching to type, so yeah... Down below!) N.B.: I'm just posting this now so I can go to bed in a bit. I'm stuck on my stupid Halls' 512kb/s connection, and it's rather a large file to upload. Been going since just after 21:00, and it just clicked over to 51%.
  11. I tend to find solo rides much more successful if I dream up a fiendishly challenging line beforehand, and go out with the specific mindset of doing it. It helps if it's a line rather than a move, since you can then make it even harder, but practice each section of it separately, letting the ride be longer It's like school/college/uni projects... Given freedom absolute, it's near impossible to make a start. Given freedom within a prescribed range and things flow a lot easier. If it's motivation to actually leave the house you need, videos are your friend. I watch one of mine, then one of my idols, then one of mine again and realize just how much more awesome than me they are, which makes me jealous (read: motivated) Edit: You're by no means limited to one line. Think up as many as you can remember/write a list.
  12. aener

    Slow Motion

    As above - if your camera is a reasonably standard one, the best you can do is Twixtor. If you've got an expensive camera with the capability to do so, you'll want to up the frame rate. (250fps will give a much smoother slow motion than 50fps. It takes five pictures in the time it would normally take one.)
  13. That was so weird. I've ridden with that guy in the background. He lives (or at least works and rides) in Shepshed, and that wallride's at Morissons in Leicester. Freaked me out a bit
  14. That bar/stem combo looks frighteningly low for that high a BB. What type of riding do you like it for? Looks lush overall, just like my bars a fair bit higher that that on a high BB bike personally.
  15. I'm rather incompetent at playing the guide. Edit: If you know any other cities, I'm perfectly down with travelling. Not been to York before... I don't care where - I just want to ride, and don't like being responsible for other people not having a good time.
  16. I'm in Leeds, and gagging for a ride.
  17. Pink forks, orange bars, transparent stem.
  18. Piss is the same colour as Red Bull. Piss is a lot cheaper than Red Bull. Do you think it could be a viable replacement for when I run out?
  19. I'm afraid that fails to explain why it was ever on your computer in the first place Awesome riding though! Can't wait for Radfest. It's the only way I can justify the journey to Barrow Farm.
  20. I think my thumb has a larger circumference than your leg. How do you even manage to stand up, let alone do all that?
  21. aener

    Leon Neill

    No, I'm not saying we should bow down. The second half of that sentence and the one following it explained your question. Didn't you read it? "He's been riding a long time, so he's heard the arguments for sure. It's his own choice." You didn't know what was a crime? If it's my statement of not respecting a rider because they don't wear a helmet being outrageous, then no. It's not a crime. Nor did I say it was. I said it was outrageous. It's like not respecting an amazing rider who DOES wear a helmet, but smokes. Or a rider who is equally good, but drinks large quantities of alcohol. Or even a rider who wears all the safety gear in the world, including bubble-wrap, but who has a chain they know is getting on a bit. ("Replace it every three months!" "But it's only ten weeks old!" "That's near enough! It could still kill you." when most chains I've had are good for a year or so.) They're all personal choices. Just because one leads to serious issues more instantly that another is irrelevant. Continue this on Facebook if you're still concerned. I'm conscious that we're arguing in someone's benevolently intended thread once again. If you're so safety conscious because of that accident, why do you intentionally put yourself in dangerous situations on a bike?! Sure, you wear a helmet to protect your head, but if you go over the bars and bend your well-protected head so far back it snaps your neck, you're still f**ked. What I'm trying to say is (in summary): Riding is dangerous, but we still choose to do it. Wearing a helmet will help against some injuries, but if we're choosing to put ourselves in such hostile conditions to begin with, what's wrong with choosing to do so with one less safety precaution? I wear mine because it defends against pain when I fall off, which I do a lot - but if you have a reason that in your opinion outweighs that - let's face it - very occasional defense (whether it be looking cool, or keeping your head cool), why bother? You're gonna get hurt anyway.
  22. aener

    Leon Neill

    So you don't respect any of the pro street BMX riders? He's been riding a long time, so he's heard the arguments for sure. It's his own choice. I'm not condoning it, let me make that clear, but to say you have no respect for a rider because they wear no helmet is outrageous. Do you lose respect for people who don't warm up thoroughly before every ride? By the looks of things, he's also one of those who has come off so many times he's a reasonable idea of how to bail instead of crash, so it's probably more a feat of "skill" that they didn't end in serious problems. N.B. The word "skill" is in inverted comas as it's not really the right word. Instinctive reactions, muscle memory, whatever. Skill just sums it up nicely if not taken literally.
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