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Everything posted by aener

  1. I don't know how anyone can ride with those bars. They are literally the most disgusting thing I've ever laid my hands upon. Nice to see another brakeless mod though. Get some videos out!
  2. Monster logo ruins an otherwise nice bike.
  3. I'm not - but all the songs I'm considering using are around 5:00 (or less), and even with a very aggressive approach to cropping clips I'm at 5:36 - which still includes the lines that aren't the least bit creative, but are pretty big (which means I'm chuffed with them, thus shall be featuring regardless ), and no allowance for dragging clips out to fit with music or atmospheric (read: non-riding) clips.
  4. I'd still prefer to not have the extension.
  5. For future reference, that's absolute rubbish Hahaha. You DEFINITELY can run a ProII in horizontal dropouts. If it's a question of cams - which in this case doesn't matter as you have the bolt tensioners - you just need to turn the bolts around and run them on the outside.
  6. That bike looks PERFECT for those rocks. They're the ones just outside MK right? Very swish.
  7. I think the "disposable" mindset is everything that's wrong with trials. As for my Tensile, one pawl snapped after about a year. I was skint at the time so just took it's partner-pawl out and ran on four. It was good for just over another two years like that. Sounds like I got lucky! Haha.
  8. I'll ride. Not this weekend due to family stuff, and not Sheffield whichever weekend Other than that, free game. Hahaha. Edit: Thought I was a couple weeks ahead of myself - 16th-19th isn't this week anyway, is it!
  9. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/vinge/misc/singularity.html
  10. Contrary to everyone else - I'm pretty eager to get mine over and done with, but I don't want to submit way before everyone else. It's not that I don't enjoy it - it's more that I'm already agonizing over which clips to leave out, and especially what music to use. An extra month of that would be most unpleasant
  11. aener

    Zoo! Video 41

    This man shall forever be my king. ...One of them, anyway.
  12. aener

    Roadtrip To Sweeden

    t33zr! I thought you must've quit or died! Sorely missed your videos with outrageous music Cool video with some beasty riding. Recovery at 4:56 was just insane, and the bunnyhop a couple of clips before was MASSIVE.
  13. It doesn't matter much, but you mean 1280x720. HD widescreen video is 1280x720 or 1920x1080. Lovely looking footage! Did you buy this lens to make a super-sweet GETCreative entry?
  14. Come on now... There's no need for that. He's only been riding ~6 months - and he's considerably better than I was after 18! For a relatively new rider, I'd say you actually are "Killin' it" Nice one.
  15. aener

    Dual Bb7's

    BB7's with SD7 levers win my vote. £18 for a pair of levers, and they're super comfy, too. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=22387
  16. Really? It'll be down for an hour, and you're asking for ways of getting around it?! Haha. That sounds like a very strong addiction
  17. Did you crack the Limey? If not, why are you changing?
  18. There are innumerable ones you could argue against... We are limited by the law, but you could say if you wanted it enough you'd find a way around it. Limited by financial status in reality, but in an optimist's mind that's surmountable (even though it's not). (etc. forever.) Things you can't argue against, there's physics. We are limited by gravity. We are limited by the speed of light. We are limited by time. Can't fit through a hole smaller than your skull. (etc. etc. etc.) Biology: You can't go longer than a handful of minutes without oxygen. Can't live without blood. Need nutrition to survive... (etc. etc. etc.) Seriously - the list of limitations other than the ones we set ourselves is endless. Edit: Holy off-topicness! Hahaha.
  19. ...That's completely untrue
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