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Everything posted by aener

  1. Pretty sweet man. Could see pretty clear progression from both of you!
  2. aener

    Tony Sandoval

    Too many GoPro shots for my taste, and didn't like the music, but this guy must be the second most versatile rider I've ever seen (with first place going to Akkers). Pretty awesome. Looks as if he spends quite a lot of time changing his peg arrangement, too
  3. aener


    Three frames in one video? You're a disgrace Haha. iJest. Pretty sweet man - glad to see someone else enjoying the delights of Wolvo! Best city ever.
  4. And for future people that might have this question and find this thread via searching, know that since each frame is different, prices will be too. Really need to just ask them.
  5. They scare me. He's such a dirt-bag. A really talented dirt-bag, but a dirt-bag nonetheless.
  6. As good as he is, I really don't like watching his videos.
  7. That was real awesome. Looks as if Australian winter weather really IS better than English summer weather. Certainly was this year, anyway. Tap and manuals from skinny timber were just the best!
  8. aener


    ...That was a little short dude. Front pivot looked super-dialed though. I almost always crash on them.
  9. aener


    Wahey! With skills like that, and that beard, I don't know how anyone can resist you. Then don't watch it. I don't like comp videos, but I don't complain about them in comp-video threads - I just don't watch them.
  10. Christ... Is that also a proto stem? Never seen a 300mm one before Looks sweet though. If it rides like a 24" version of the 26", it'll be nothing but good news. Think it's time they got some new model names though
  11. I saw that and instantly assumed it was something a bit sticky/grippy to lessen the carbon-bar-slippage issue, but the getting-the-bars-in issue is much more sensible They look nice, but I'd still rather have a 4bolt, even if it was ugly as sin.
  12. Wooooop! Crash at roundabouts was awesome Glad to see a bunch of lines you were having trouble with a while back thoroughly nailed in there
  13. aener


    Yours was the one I was most eager to see, and god damn, it didn't disappoint! Manual line at little-Lloyds was ridiculous.
  14. It's made of half-links, and it's gold
  15. Well that was just f**king awesome.
  16. I think I love you.
  17. Whilst I don't disagree, and it's slightly off topic, I have to point out that no engine will EVER sound more bad-ass than this: Edit: Do yourself a favour and turn the volume up
  18. Thanks everyone I know it's not as good as the others, but I don't really care because whilst it's not as good it IS more enjoyable than my others. (I think it is, anyway.)
  19. So this one's actually my GETCreative entry this time. I've had issues with the audio and video slipping in and out of sync in Chrome, but it might just be my PC. Took so long to upload I just can't be bothered trying to fix it Hope you like
  20. Middleburn made some screw on proto's but they never went to production (not totally sure why, but I'd imagine it being there's just no money in it for them), so you can kiss that dream goodbye
  21. The fact you guys are taking so long is making me really worry that I've just collected a bunch of rag-tag clips and thrown them together :/
  22. I'd say that you should release both brakes before taking off. Use them to get in to position, but once you put the power down having the bike being prevented from morphing slightly around the obstacle is seriously limiting the return pressure. Having no brakes locked when preloading lets the bike move downwards with the pressure, giving more rebound. Certainly, I'm better at them since I went brakeless.
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