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Everything posted by aener

  1. I'm such a n00b Recognize worryingly few of those names. (20, I think.)
  2. Another vote for SD7s. I like the Ultimates. Never owned one, but used other peoples'. They're nice, but I think I prefer the SD7, and the pricing certainly accentuates the fact
  3. You just listed half the features I love about my bike.
  4. Pain is your body telling your mind that what you're doing/just did is a bad idea. I know it's really hard, but you should stop riding until you're better. If you don't, it'll just get worse and worse. I have a friend who developed tennis elbow. He kept riding for a while after it started which made the recovery time much longer than it would've been if he'd let it heal when it first became a problem. It was a nice video though!
  5. What does this feel like? Kinda curious since way back in the day people would run them with, say, 110x5* stems. Does it just ride like a modern 24 with that bar/stem, or is there a hint of the old-school feel about it? (And what's the geo, if you know it?) Did people only run those stems because there wasn't any short high ones about? I know I had a 120x10* on my Leeson and it was nice. Edit: It LOOKS absolutely lovely though
  6. Personally, I can't bear anything other than +70 now Go on some +55 mods and they feel obscure. Go on some +90 and they feel spastic. Maybe it's because they're not my bike and I'm a geo-nazi, or maybe +70 is just the best BB height for a mod
  7. I know, 0* backsweep will be bloody rank, but it's pretty novel! [Edit: Shit link fixed ]
  8. http://i.imgur.com/Yu80V.jpg
  9. Really? When I've ridden his bike it's both worked more effectively, AND felt almost infinitely nicer than any front mag I've ever used. What about the Triton, Nick? Please don't leave us
  10. To be fair - I hope it hasn't. A 1090/+90 stock would ride far less horrendously than a 1090/+90 mod (...Not at all saying I'd like a stock like that.)
  11. Maybe not my most, but my clip in this was pretty humiliating: :$
  12. Seriously mental stuff man. Granted, I've seen very few videos, but I've never seen rails on a unicycle before! Why was the last clip reversed?
  13. I had a Flak for four years. Really really good. Took a lot of hits. Covers a lot more of the head than others. It finally died a few weeks ago. Replaced it with the £25 661 one, and it feels like it doesn't come down the back of the head nearly enough. Can't fault the Flak. Cheap, good coverage, long lasting, keeps you alive. Haha.
  14. aener

    David Sellero

    I love his riding, but I love even more how much of a shit his dogs just don't give about nearly getting run over They must've nearly died so many times that they just take a "if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen" mindset! Haha. Jealous of his nose-manuals, too
  15. Just found this... Not seen it posted here yet - sorry if it has.
  16. A friend of mine runs a 2.4 Fat Albert, and it seems to grip ridiculously well from the goes I've had on it. 700 grams is pretty nice, too Edit: It's not particularly prone to punctures, either. Only seen him get two or three over about three months.
  17. That's what I go by. But then... it's not all about size. It should surely be from remote to central, which would put the PC as the absolute centre, meaning phone-to-PC would be a download. But that feels wrong.
  18. Say you've downloaded something music from the internet to your HDD. That's downloading because you take it from an external source to a local point. You transfer it to an mp3 player. Could this technically be referred to as an upload, since you're taking it away from the PC, or is it strictly a transfer since it's a direct link to a physical drive? Likewise, transferring footage from a camera to the PC. Is that uploading since you're taking it from a remote point to local, or can it only correctly be called a transfer? Does it only become an up/download if it's being transferred from an external network, and everything within the local network is a transfer? I've always called them transfers just because it feels more... proper, but I'm asking for technicalities.
  19. I'd never seen this before. It was simultaneously f**king brilliant, and laughably bad
  20. Really? Haha. Each to their own Putting me to sleep is about the one thing it wouldn't do to me.
  21. I don't see what else it could be considered to be. Saw this a long time ago but totally forgot it. Awesome. Seem to have a big love of orange
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