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Everything posted by aener

  1. I was just trying to say that there's no need for the snobbery. Sure, a proper BB tool would be better, but if you don't have one then a hammer and screwdriver does the job. Whatever happened to the bodge-fix culture? It used to be the only way to be cool!
  2. Also... Hammer and screw-driver in the BB is very effective if you don't have a BB tool. I know it's how I did mine up for the first four years I was riding.
  3. Whoa.... Mute the sound and put music I like on, and suddenly it's VERY good to watch. Monster riding!
  4. It might be, but two years of abuse on my old hub says it'd take an awful lot of effort. ...And I miss sidehops a LOT.
  5. Oh man. Isitafox - did you edit your post? I'm sure I read it as you wanting a measurements for slaves Must be going mental. Sorry Iain - I was talking about something completely different to everyone else
  6. Because not many people want a streety mod. If they want street, they get a BMX. If they want trials, they get a normal mod. A slacker head angle means a longer wheelbase for the same reach, and a longer wheelbase makes the bike more stable/less twitchy. For trials this is good, but for agility it's bad.
  7. Because that's the only headangle worth having It reins in the front wheel whilst giving the same reach, meaning it's not cramped and you get sharper steering, which in turn carves in to spins better. It's also nicer for frenchies as you don't have to rotate as far around the front axle to get the bounce since it's already closer to being underneath you. Lets you wodge slightly smaller obstacles, and whilst it takes a while to adjust to initially getting the bike higher, it helps with hooks since you're positioned higher over the corner of the wall when you hit it. I can't really comment on front-gaps as I've only had it brakeless, but I can't see how it would make them any worse... In my mind, it seems like it should even make them easier to pin down and switch through - but that's a guess. My frames geometry is 73*, 595, 350, +70, 980 and is awesome with a 165x35* stem. (I'm 5'9".) She's a bit biased toward street though - sidehops are a bit awkward - so a little longer might work out well if you want to be a little less street-inclined and more trialsy. 618 is a fairly large reach though, so I'd definitely recommend a 150mm stem and having the bars rolled back. As it stands, that geo and listed spec should ride pretty damned nice, but do spend a while playing with bar angles to get it settled - a few degrees back/forward can make a huge difference. It all depends on where you want it to lie on the street:TGS continuum Edit: Just a point for anyone else that might be looking at getting a Jaf frame made... Spare some consideration for the guy and ask these sorts of questions BEFORE getting a quote. If you're still really unsure, you don't need a diagram Drawing frames up takes time!
  8. aener

    24" bike

    Haha. That's not at all what I meant. I didn't think it through when writing it, but people will obviously take what they read at the face value. I was discussing the concept of getting more for paying more. Nothing specific to Rockman. I didn't even use them as the example! As for the issue you thought I meant but actually didn't ( ), I still disagree. They might not be as delicate as their reputation makes out, but there's a definite trend. And yes - I would go so far as to say almost all trials brands are naff, at the minute. Making a product that can barely be used what it was made for is just bad methodology. Brands that aren't: Trialtech/Inspired and Hope. They make a product as light as it sensibly can be without making it delicate enough it can't perform its intended purpose. Older (but not too old) Deng frames had it right. Seemingly Onza do, too. They've made the Limey4 pretty light, but that's Ok since it seems they must have done it intelligently - how many have broken (not prototypes)? I've not been searching, but I've not heard of any at all. Then again, the superlight products are obviously "designed" with a certain consumerbase in mind of which I am not a member, so my opinion on the matter is entirely invalid.
  9. aener

    24" bike

    That is quite simply not true. That might apply to cars, computers or musical instruments, but would appear to be the polar opposite for trials bikes. What'll snap first, an Echo or a Koxx?
  10. That was sweet. You should definitely make more of them! Still look stupid in low-crotch joggers though
  11. Awesome. Only downside was that there were so many lines at those spots that weren't in the video It'd have to've been very long indeed though...
  12. flipp <3 grosenick 4eva
  13. I meant that to explain that of all the frames I've gone through, this one's the least flexy.
  14. FamilyBiker - I've ridden a lot of different frames (because I keep breaking them). This Jaf frame I'm riding is by far the stiffest of the lot, and it has the same diameter tubing as other Jafs.
  15. For that whole video, I was seeing Hege, but I was thinking Ben Travis. Music is a powerful thing.
  16. Y'know, that's funny, 'cause those two remind me of this: And this: And even this: COPYCAT. Edit: Editing to make out it was a joke only after being taken up on it is seriously lame.
  17. Read the thread It's the one Sam posted. Haha. Edit: "JUST over a bar"?! Sidehop over is at least three times harder than sidehopping onto something of the same height. Substitute "three" exponentially increasing values until reaching infinity as you approach your personal best height.
  18. I can't find the link, and can't remember the name. http://vimeo.com/43447091 The up to front at 1:40. It's him, and that spot. There's a clip floating around the internet somewhere of him sidehopping that wall from a smaller rock. It might not be the biggest, but it's certainly a contender. Posting in case someone knows the one I mean and where to find it. Edit: I was looking for the clip just by itself, but it turns out it's been incorporated in to this video. Last clip: http://vimeo.com/47655766
  19. My XC bike has 24s in it, and even they feel too big.
  20. aener

    Glossy (+Crashes)

    I know this all too well from experience, but that doesn't mean it's not worth doggedly fighting, just for the sake of fighting Haha.
  21. aener

    Glossy (+Crashes)

    The only way and "actual song" differs from any other soundscape of appropriate length is that hundreds of years of tradition have conditioned people's minds in to only appreciating western harmony as music. You listen to the "actual music" you like because you like the sound of it, right? What about the sound of opening a can of Coke. That's a brilliant sound, but because it's not been used in thousands of scenarios and you're not accustomed to it you're not allowed to enjoy listening to it? No. Music is defined as noises/sounds/frequencies put together aiming to produce something beautiful/emotionally expressive. For you that might genuinely be guitars drums and someone whinging about an ex-partner - but I'd wager it's that because it is for everyone else who doesn't spare a thought for what they can and cannot appreciate. I appreciate technical achievements and decontextualization, and not mindlessly reproducing what other people have a thousand times over with a minor twist. I'm sorry our opinions on what sounds good differs, but you can't write something off as not having artistic intent just because you don't like it. I don't like Picasso's work, but I wouldn't claim he wasn't an artist. Thanks for the comments about riding (to all, not just Williams)
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