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Everything posted by aener

  1. ...Or you could just accept that whilst CNT is a stupendously cool material, it's simply not appropriate for trials bikes.
  2. The proportions are different to normal because Ben's proportionately different in size to most people, but calling it "out" of proportion might be a little heavy-handed
  3. Proof that it's the rider, not the bike Everyone's so concerned with weight and geometry these days that they neglect to consider actually riding it. Haha. (Not saying a nice geo and light bike don't help, but secondary to just being a good rider.) Super awesome. I didn't know people even did hooks all that time ago!
  4. I like how a thread about bikes that look nice can become a heated debate about how a completely custom, made-to-order by "a guy in his shed", one off frame can't compare to the quality of a mass-produced frame that goes through many prototypes and beyond-extensive testing by a highly established company. Edit: Beaten to it
  5. aener


    Nope. Brand new'n's.
  6. aener


    MT2s for awesomeness, with Jaf rotors for aaaaaaaaaaaaall the bling factor. Yes - rolled them forwards almost immediately. It felt as if having no brakes made my body position move backwards as the bike suddenly felt INSANELY short. Curiously, even though I put them forwards by maybe as much as 15 degrees, it's not had a negative impact on the streetier side of handling. Perplexing, but I'm not complaining She's always been a bit of a fatty anyway, so I haven't really noticed the difference in all honesty. (I didn't weigh before and haven't weighed since, just in case that's the next question )
  7. aener


    So glad someone mentioned that. So f**king stoked on how that shot came out I've been worrying about this ever since I put them on. It's unfortunate, but rails and gaps to skinny walls are the type of riding I'm enjoying at the minute, and what's the point in riding if you don't try to maximize the enjoyment? Thanks all!
  8. There really is some ridiculous talent in and around Russia. It also doubles as another piece of evidence that you don't have to sidehop away from your front foot to go high!
  9. I can't help with geometries - I'm equally clueless - but I would like to ask how a girl requires a different geometry to a boy? Sure, they might have lumps in different places, but girls and boys have the same approximate bodily proportions. Surely that's all that matters as far as geometry's concerned?
  10. This is my issue with most technology at the minute.I love how fast it's progressing - I don't even mind devices becoming archaic almost as soon as they're released. I don't want a fridge than can connect to the internet, or an e-book reader that can bake a cake. Don't get me wrong - some hybridizations are incredibly good (mobile phone/mp3 player/satnav, dSLRs supporting video, and TV services with built in storage/other capabilities etc.) but when they include them at the cost of the devices fundamental function, I begin to loose faith in the manufacturer. I fully appreciate games consoles adopting internet connections for MMOing, but a games console should be the best it can be at playing games. Much like I by far prefer my third generation Kindle to the Kindle Fire. They had something great and totally sold it down the river (Not so much with the Kindle as they still have models available for people that actually want them for reading, but still kinda... Haha.)
  11. 3x3x Only ever get something different if you can't get the right length spokes
  12. Have you ever thought of slightly changing your name? From Gerhard to Gurn-hard? As much as I feel they should have been released under a different brand (Zoo!s will ALWAYS be heavy and strong, low and long, polished silver and green to me ), I really do like the looks of them!
  13. This. Dyslexia makes mistakes more understandable, but what it absolutely does not do is exempt you from needing to try. Browsers even have built in spell-checkers. All you have to do is right click a word with a squiggly red line beneath it.
  14. Ease off. Grammar is as important to a literary enthusiast as geometry is to a cycling enthusiast.
  15. Mine too. I assumed it was "The needle in the haystack was important..." It bugs me when reading American people's writing talking about "an herb", 'cause over here we actually say the "h". It just looks really wrong.
  16. Really?That's blown my mind. I had no idea. I've never seen anyone whip that fast before. Outrageous. (And awesome nosemanuals just top it off!)
  17. He never outright said it, but I'm pretty sure that's what he himself has been angling at for most of the thread
  18. How is it that a new-comer to the trials world posting in a foreign language can "get it" so much more than most people that have been riding for years? A lot of people need to take a lesson or two from this guy! The only thing I disagree with is calling it "pure" trials. Please don't do that - it implies the other aspects of trials are less worthwhile. I know it's only a word, but - to quote V: "Words offer the means to meaning" - and so are much more important than a lot of people give them credit for.
  19. A few weeks ago I went off from the main group a little way to scout for lines. Two middle aged guys walked by, stopped and looked at my bike and said "'Scuse me mate, is that a trials bike?" "Yeah," I said. "I thought it was, but there's all different ones aren't there? So I wasn't sure." "Yep, quite a few. Some look pretty different to others too." "Have you seen that guy on YouTube?" he asked. "I've seen lots of guys on YouTube. Which one?" "The famous one... Danny something-or-other." "Ohhhh. Danny MegaSkill? On the orange bike?" "That's the one!" he said. "Yeah... Pretty much any trials rider ever has seen him. Haha. What about him?" "He's my step-son." He walked off with the most contented smile I've ever seen.
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