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Everything posted by aener

  1. That would be the obvious choice, but I once knew someone who wanted to do it because he'd stripped his hub's sprocket threads and couldn't afford a new hub, so just wanted to do this and turn the wheel around
  2. That's also completely unrelated to what he's asking. It's certainly possible if you drill the appropriate holes a suitable sprocket, but in most situations there's probably a better alternative. Can you tell us why you want to do this? That particular bit of information will likely change a lot of people's response.
  3. Isawsol'ese jokes and laughed and laughed, even if some are a bit obtuse.
  4. I changed my mind and came back cosi'm temperamental.
  5. You guys are soh lame I cahn't believe. I'm going toa place I won't be associated with you.
  6. Have you tried a FFW setup on the same/similar bike? We did the transition process on a friend's Echo 24" - from ProII to FFW SL - and the improvement was even more pronounced than when I did it to mine. The back end scooped up SO much easier, most notably on front wheel moves but the difference was there for everything. Those extra 36 engagements are a nice bonus too
  7. There's a few. Weight, weight distribution (weight in the middle of the bike rather than at the back makes a MASSIVE difference), number of engagements and cost of replacing freewheel versus hub should the worst come to pass are those that come immediately to mind. They're not without their downsides - quite often reliability, more rolling resistance and habitually eating your trousers - but the pros outweigh the cons for me, personally. Choice is also an issue with mod frames. If you don't know someone to machine a hope down for you you're stuck with a Profile, and no-one wants that
  8. I think that's the word one person is looking for.
  9. Is it that Dave Marshall willy? Who the f**k's he anyway? Bet he doesn't even ride.
  10. Not very much, seemingly. (Concerning both physics, and other participants of the sport you're so involved and respected in.)
  11. Another vote for the Hope. Had a King, and whilst it never, ever skipped on me the Hope just instilled more confidence. I think it's how "solid" if feels, as Mark said. Rims are more a circumstantial choice in my books.
  12. Kind of... But I used to have a 24 with 24:14 and at that stage it's very detrimental to anything other than going fast when you've lots of space.You may have had it too light for your body/how you ride, but if you go too far the other way it'll impede your riding just as much (or potentially more if you get silly with it. Haha). (Obviously when we say a "light" gearing, we're actually discussing a gearing being even lighter than the already insanely light average trials gearing, so you'll have a little wiggle room yet I reckon )
  13. No - but if you still can't find a supplier and want one I have one that's seen <6 months of use sat doing nothing in my garage. You're welcome to it if you want it.
  14. So having shorter cranks increases your gear ratio now? Shorter cranks won't make you go faster. It'll mean your feet have less distance to travel and you'll have less leverage, but it won't make you go faster or have more "power" (your definition of which, by the way, is offensively incorrect).
  15. (175 / 26) * 20 = 134.6 It's not a maths thing. Edit: What the hell? In what universe does less leverage equate to more power?
  16. I never got to see Ali's qualifying times - only the crashes in the final. Really glad you filmed that - heinously quick!
  17. He actually made the posts, he didn't sponsor them. I can't believe you're actually giving him grief for paying someone two compliments just because you had a little tussle. Also - just to keep with the tone of conversation - it'd be "Lukey". "Lukeie" is just spastic.
  18. That was a very strange mix of some genuinely cool stuff, and some massively gimmicky cliché bollocks The 270° pivot to gap, and up to front on the second-top step and 180 pivot up, and a few others were really awesome - just let down by all the 3-taps and bar angle and stuff just done because everyone else does.
  19. A couple of batches of clips collected quite a long time ago (April, I think), and some more a couple of weeks ago. Sorry for poor filming on a lot of it! Really doesn't do his riding justice, in my opinion.
  20. Monty. I've run both, and while neither suit how I like to ride, when I've used them for what they are designed for the Montys are easily better than the Try-Alls. The only downside is that they're a bit shorter lived.
  21. It's just not the same.I can't back that up in any way other than telling you to try it. You have no safety net so you HAVE to see spots differently. Edit: Now let this thread die
  22. The Block8? Yeah... It nearly cost me my jaw. (Amongst a shit-storm of other, less terrifying but still very far from ideal instances.)
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