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Everything posted by aener

  1. Despite the title, this was filmed over a period much longer than one day. One of my favourite riders who also happens to be one of my favourite people - I don't quite feel that this does him justice, but it's not as bad as others I've made of him Hope you like!
  2. I went to Norway for a riding trip. Tweaked my back a week before going, and riding made it much, much worse - lots of pain-killers just about allowed me to walk. Superb week meeting the Norwegian gang, and Joachim put together the clips we filmed along the way into a most excellent memento of the trip!
  3. What... You mean all two of the angle grinders? It was actually the router at fault, I was just unlucky enough to be the one using it at the time. The missing tooth isn't actually missing. It's there, but it's a dark greyish colour because some delightful speciment of humanity thought it'd be fun to smash me in the face with a skateboard for no reason about 7 years ago.
  4. I had an SL for 3 years on my brakeless bike. It's now still running perfectly well on my Kloud, having switched to a Pro II on the brakeless.
  5. aener

    The Spot - JamesB

    Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Very excited to see more of you in the future!
  6. It's perfectly possible. You just need to keep the rotors a bit straighter that with your Saints, which will make the brake work better too. If you ding rotors a lot and don't see it as a massive problem because of the extra space in Saints, get practising how to straighten rotors with a spanner
  7. No. That's why there's been discussion about the various bolts, TPA systems and other features and what advantages or disadvantages they might provide. No-one's commented on reliability because they can't - no-one's used them. In fact there's only a couple of people that have mentioned the aesthetic.
  8. Any of the many people who routinely hit legs on clamp bolts I've never had a problem with it, but lots of people do and closed-clamp levers (especially the Clean one) pretty much eliminate it.
  9. They look nicer parallel with the headtube, but ride nicer perpendicular to the floor on my mod.
  10. 18 months of very abusive riding and still going strong for me!
  11. Not certain, but I think they'll be Rockman Blues. Bike looks sweet! Just needs a matching purple rear hub
  12. Tubes just get old, especially the cheaper ones. They seem to do this after a while with higher-than-trials pressures. I run about 40psi (2.75 bar, assuming that's what "atm" is) and this happens every so often. Do you have drilled rims? I wonder if it's the amount of extra stretch the tube goes through where it pokes through the rim a bit - it's never happened on my MTB. When the rubber degrades a bit maybe it just can't be bothered withholding all that pressure any more
  13. Primary riding buddy Jack in this video Switched to a brakeless mod about six months ago and has been killing it ever since. Filming's been hard because his progression is so fast the more recent clips make the older ones look rubbish! Haha. (You can still see this a bit in the clips we settled on.)
  14. Assuming you mean the tower, yes. If you have multiple externals, it can only be the tower or one of the drives.
  15. Edited to make the wording more specific as to what I meant.
  16. You wake up in the middle of the night coughing. Your house is on fire. Fortunately, all your co-residents (edit: including pets) are elsewhere tonight - you are the only person living thing in, or even near the house. All your bikes are securely locked up in a fireproof, waterproof, lightningproof, meteorproof outbuilding. Edit: The fire is in the walls, floor and ceiling and there is no chance of even a fleet of fire engines putting it out in time to save all your other belongings, but remarkably the path to your selected item is devoid of fire. You have time to grab one, and only one material possession. What is it? I'd like to kick this off with an interesting one, but I'm afraid I'm a boring b*****d and think it would be the external hard drive with all digital work I've done on.
  17. Exactly this, a thousand times over. If older kids are having a go at them, I'd put money on most of the reason behind it being that the kids accidentally get in the way. Just basic spacial - or maybe logistical - awareness.
  18. Jesus Christ they did a good job of that remix. ...Oh wait.
  19. Are you sure they're V2s? V2s have this steerer insert:
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