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Everything posted by aener

  1. aener

    TF Makers

    I've been toying with a project that needs some bends but not started it yet. Is that 3mm ply? Did you steam it, or just rag it over?
  2. aener


    Possibly a long shot but there's a few nerds on here. I'm trying to do some image mapping with Meshroom, and hitting errors just as it gets started. The console output is: [18:39:46.154914][info] Can't find CUDA-Enabled GPU. [18:39:46.154914][error] This program needs a CUDA-Enabled GPU (with at least compute capability 2.0). I'm laptop-based, but crucially the GPU is a GeForce GTX 960M. I've looked it up and whilst it wouldn't be a quick one, it should work. It has 640 cores and a compute capability of 5.0 according to https://www.geforce.co.uk/hardware/notebook-gpus/geforce-gtx-960m/specifications and https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus#compute I've tried going in to the Nvidea Control Panel and setting it to run on the GPU rather than integrated, but get the same error either way. CUDA GPUs is set to All, and anything that looks likely related I've set to On. Do I need to tick a box or set a setting somewhere to enable CUDA? EDIT: Ignore. The driver update apparently hadn't worked properly. Ran it again and now getting past the error.
  3. Yes. Constant tease. Hurts so bad. Not fair. Wah wah wah
  4. I imagine the Jitsies are pretty similar. I've not heard of issues with them, so probably also a safe bet. Choose carefully though, since there seems to be about a thousand options. Some have really little upsweep like the Arcade bars, which are very much an acquired taste. I personally find them disgusting, others don't. Just pointing it out as something to be aware of.
  5. People might tell you to get X, Y or Z super high rise bars. Don't. The frame wasn't designed for them. Trialtechs are super bombproof and the highest I would go for with that frame, but possibly a shade lower would be better. Not sure on the other two because I'm brakeless 20"
  6. Or if there's only one active moderator, see about refreshing the list Not much use having ten mods if eight of them haven't logged in for four years and one for two. (No idea on real numbers - just saying.)
  7. Yep, same. You'll also likely never be able to drive through or visit a new place without looking down every sideroad you pass just in case there's a hidden gem there. It's not a problem, either. It just shows you enjoy it. The problem only comes when people ask you for directions to the lirbrary and you catch yourself telling them to turn left at the double-width wall with the loose slabs on top, right at the crossroads with a bit of raised pavement next to a row of bollards and then walk straight on past the little transition-style central reservation. If they get to the white handrail with loads of chips in the paint, they've gone too far. Especially when they mumble "left, right, straight on... Oh, just up past Tesco then?".
  8. I love terrace rows like that. Everyone's had slightly different extensions put on and makes it look absolutely nuts. Such an organic looking development of something so inorganic and designed for primarily with functionality:cost in mind. Is that the EPDM stuff? I nearly went with that until I went full-timber.
  9. If it's any consolation, the CDs themselves will be in a landfill somewhere for the next million years or so. I know that's still brief in the life of a planet or star, but it's a good bit longer than us. Your memory will live on in a hunk of plastic and metal long after you're gone.
  10. I just went to find mine and it's been removed ages ago because I used Aphex Twin and copyright strikes back then just took them down rather than transfering adverts money Oh Youtube. This is why I left you! Then Vimeo introduced their own limitations. I'm not going to re-upload it because it'll just be the same and Oh so cringe. Oldest one currently online, which is definitely more cringe than the other anyway: I have three old videos in my uploads gallery on here, but the video aspect of this site broke ages ago. They're still there though. Does anyone know if there's a way to download them? Not even sure who the mods are on here any more. None of them seem to post, unless it's all in the Senior Members sub.
  11. aener


    I agree. As soon as it became apparent that things were going to change I was on the side of "hit it hard and fast". They f**ked about for ages and then brought in half measures. Look at places that did it right: Norway and Australia come to mind. Now they have zero cases. It won't make you popular at the time, but it works. Even Wales had the 5km thing, if I recall? I'm fortunate in that at the time I had a job I could do from home and had some savings to fall back on when redundancy came, so I recognise that I weathered it better than a lot of people were able to, but doing something like that half-arsed seems worse than not doing it at all. You're not saving the lives, and you're tanking your economy. Worst of both.
  12. aener


    I have to be honest, I couldn't make much sense of most of that, but the parts I could sound like you missed or ignored what I intended my point to be. That could well be because my post was a rambling turd too, so no biggie. Things like splitting a sentence in half to object to a fragment of it when the other half addresses it. That's not how language works. I'm not going to get into back-and-forthing because I don't know much about it, and it sounds a bit like you wouldn't want to hear it if I did, but just to clear one thing up: I'm in no way denying that the virus could have originated in a lab. It could easily have gotten out. I just believe if it did, it was an accident rather than organised malice.
  13. aener


    There is a point, but it's not yet. I'm aaaaaaall for V-type action if it was ever at that point and constantly have to ask my partner's perspective of whether we're getting there or not, but this is different. I would say we're at a point more like that if the numbers drop off/there's a vaccine and the new powers in various peoples' hands don't get relinquished. Matlida's an ICU nurse and keen as a bean on keeping up to date with statistics and figures so I get a weird perspective of objective numbers, but also subjective stories of her patients. I think it's easier to get your mind wrapped up in the conspiracy mindset when you're not hearing the first-hand stories. (Note: Definitely not a dig - I was 100% in that category until the first wave spread up north and I started hearing them.)
  14. aener


    All of what you wrote might well be accurate, but that doesn't point to it being a conspiracy. Lady studying the virus and wanting to test it on primates: That happens all the time in academia/science. Bats are common quisine in some parts of the world. Bill Gates said there would be a pandemic academically. There's one about every hundred years, and we were overdue. It's only the same as people saying certain volcanoes are going to errupt "imminently" because they have every 100,000 years for the past 3,000,000. People speak statistically, and other people interpret it literally. Edit: Also - I feel like we can't really talk about his money. It's too messy and easy to mislead people. He might have given away most of his personal money (which he has in the past), but the whichever article you read might have been looking at the value of his trust fund which continues to grow, or any number of things. He's definitely not perfect (the main thing I hear of is sending western people to Africa (eg) to help build resources and stuff, when it would actually be better for all in that area if he paid people local to that area to do the work. Boost that economy and trade rather than just giving them a building (again, eg.)) - but I firmly believe he's a force for good, just with sometimes questionable methods. The bottom three are all just a totally inept government making a huge mess of it. The people running the app are obviously involved with the government because it's a government program. It doesn't work because it's seen a laughably bad attempt at executing a fundamentally flawed (not to mention illegal-in-many-areas) idea, not because of some sinister motive. The "assuming positive" things are weird, but I really don't feel it's anything to do with fudging numbers. Internationally, everyone is desperate to downplay their numbers so they look like they're handling it better than their neighbors. Yes, the whole thing is a huge f**king mess and humans are making it infinitely worse for themselves, but every time you get a hint of the idea that it's an NWO type situation I beg of you to take a step back and think about all of the things they DON'T say in conspiracy theory videos. I'm not saying ignore them completely, but those people are equally keen on duping you into thinking what they want you to as the government they are slandering are. It does look intimidating, various bodies getting all these powers and restrictions on what people can and cannot do, but just think about motives. Apart from any potential privatised vaccine, there is no motive for forcing people to stay apart and hate you as a ruling body, whilst also f**king up your economy. People want power for money or prestige, and this whole situation is costing both of those, massively, for anyone currently in power. This was my major issue with 1984. Everything in there - fine. Dystopias happen, suspension of disbelief, whatever. I just can't see that ever happening because there's no motive to have oppressive power and dominion just for the hell of it. If you wanted that power to affect an end goal, that's one thing, but I just don't see it. Sorry - that was a bit of a ramble, just didn't want it to turn into another Aliens thread. Worrying - yes. Showcasing how shit humans are (both those in charge and not) - yes. Manufactured virus released on humanity in the name of grabbing power for some Deep State or other - no.
  15. Pretty sure I saw Garret Reynolds do one, though can't remember where.
  16. They will stop eventually, but you might be better off riding outside. It's much more fun out there. I live in LS12 if you want to meet up for rides!
  17. aener

    Shintaro Otake

    I wish He's an absolute unit. So fun to watch, though I must admit the speed-trial-style thing isn't "for me".
  18. Sorry. Would love to have helped, it's just that I've never used a nail gun full stop, let alone in that circumstance. Nothing personal
  19. I had these sort of issues with him about eight years ago. It's good to hear at least some things remain a constant in these crazy times of tumult and change.
  20. As above. That's a non-trivial dent but it doesn't look to be an imminent problem. Let the bashing resume.
  21. aener

    TF Makers

    Cool! That's going to be a snug fit in that space! What are you doing for external covering/protection? Really wish I'd gotten the oppotunity to start from scratch like that.
  22. aener

    TF Makers

    Not really, no. Just made a bunch of it up as I went along, made plenty of mistakes in the process, and spent many, many hours on YouTube Thanks!
  23. aener

    TF Makers

    Happy might be a bit optimistic, but certainly satisfied
  24. https://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/195730-tf-makers/?do=findComment&comment=2710350 Phew. It's finally done. Well - not done, but done enough to use.
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