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Everything posted by aener

  1. aener

    My Bike!

    Why's the rotor still attatched? Edit: More to the point, why are you running a maggie on a drilled sidewall?! Hahha
  2. Riding was a bit special.... Though as a video - I enjoyed #5 more. It's nice to see a video not made with a fisheye lense, for once... Very refreshing
  3. My dad's a driving instructor - he's got about an 85% first time pass rate. He said that about 80% of people that fail, fail due to nerves... Basically - don't get nervous, and drive exactly as you normaly would - and you'll be fine .
  4. Oh my GOD. If one more person mentions the LHC within the next year - I'm gonna go over to the French/Swiss border and arrange it so they DO blow the f**king planet up. Also - Callum - you already look like a twat. You say "Edit:...", but you didn't actually edit the post - so just go and shut the f**king HELL up. Wanker.
  5. 'Cause it's generic shit that people with no minds - due to being inbred, or stupious ammounts of weed - find highly amusing. One of them'll like it, so they'll send the link to absolutely everyone they know. It's pyramid marketing from there on in, really.
  6. Ish... Odd Nosdam, Why?, and someone else I forget did a collaborative project, and released it as a conept band. Don't think they released it on Anticon though, for some reason
  7. 'Fraid it has to be asked... What are the songs? I f**king love them. All of them. Just watched it 4 times.... Some of the taps in West Bay are SILLY high
  8. I was watching the Porter video whislt waiting.... Did I spy some cLOUDDEAD for the intro? I thought I was the only one who'd heard of them EDIT: THAT was absolutely f**king brilliant. Absolutely lovely. The intro was classic - I loved it... Riding was intense, and editting was great. Favourite video of the year - if not all time So much so, that I've signed up to Vimeo, purely to download it.
  9. Why do people post pictures of bikes that aren't done? If it was changes to be made like the chain... fine - but it's not finished... Get your brakes and grips - THEN post pictures... I don't understand, otherwise But bloody hell - I knew they WERE shorter, but I didn't realise how much shorter modern chainstays were
  10. aener


    I'm gonna get e-sand-blasted for this - but I've jsut got the £50 logitech 5.1 for my PC. I really like them. They're not hugely accurate - and are no good for monitoring etc - but if you just want them for movies - they're more than good enough for me. I should point out that I don't watch many movies - but I do have high expectations of sound-quality The sub's actually amazing, for the size. Doesn't really go below 35hz - but then... it depends what you want them for The other five aren't too bad. Bit lacking in the high end - but in a small-ish room - they do me just fine. I guess it depends if you want reputable brands/super quality/aesthetics.
  11. Well THAT was somewhat aggressive...
  12. Corr..... Just wait 'till the TGS bums read this.... It'll be 8 pages long by the end of the day
  13. aener


    If your magura lever was dirtier - I'd REALLY like the look of that Black and dirty white Just that one bit of pure white makes it look odd
  14. Ehhh.... Can't be arsed to do it all again. There's a clip of it at the end of FAB1 if you care enough to bother. Ell - f**king - mayo. I worked it out just now - and as a rough guide - it took over 600 incisions
  15. Saw this earlier - but forgot to comment on it. First off - I have to say that was quite simply the WORST music I've ever heard used in a trials video. Just did NOT fit with the riding. The riding itself, was quite spectacular - though I prefered the stuff you did on the Echo. The editting was better. ST1+2 had nice stuff, but then you sort of phased out of it. Intro and outro were throughly good Sorry I sound so negative
  16. Man... I wish I was old-skool Some of you were on TF when I'd just turned 8... hahaha. Or - I'm told it was up that long before the crash.
  17. THey look really nice.... I'd want one - but I'm on 24", and I'll bet they cost a bomb, anyway.
  18. aener


    Now THAT - I loved...
  19. At last... Honesty prevails
  20. Just some extra persuasion - if needed. I was the same as you, and didn't want to grind my rim 'cause it'd wear out - but then a friend advised me that: "A rim is replacable - your back, isn't." We put a grind on straight after that, and I felt the benfits straight away. Not only is the brake MUCH more responsive - the whole bike feels lighter. I didn't know why, at the time - but it's because of the lessened effort of braking. If it's easier to pull the brake, you can expend more effort on everything else. I was on a T-Pro, at the time - and it went from feeling absolutely horrible - to feeling really responsive, light, and easy to ride. Yes - you'll go through rims quicker... but most can take.. what... 10 grinds? Each one'll last about a month - or they do for me, anyway - so it's not that bad, really.
  21. This will be of limited use, in my eyes. First off - there's already been one instance where you don't know if it's a stock, or mod (if he hadn't written in the bottom bit). Next... All you have to do is change the stem, and the feel of the bike becomes very different. ...Or the bars. ....Or the forks. .....Or stackers being under, or ontop of the stem. There's just too many variables. Only use I can see this being is the overall bits... Brand: Model: Street/TGS: Weight-strength ratio: Price:
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