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Everything posted by aener

  1. You suit mod. Edit: Just so you know, Joe - you only need another 19... I'd much rather watch one of yours than a third of a video, from Swindle.
  2. Yes, but: If you enjoy it, how can you do it too much?
  3. If you're making a joke - I love your sense of humor. If you're serious, it's a GU Typhoon, and a ZOO Python :$
  4. aener


    Holy........ Something. That's a deffinate downloader
  5. 2:21 was pretty swish Is that some BMTH I hear?
  6. Though maybe he should be entered into the 24" catagory, as an anomaly
  7. Kamel. It must be. If you don't believe me, look on Tarty. It's very expensive.
  8. You boys like your taps Some of them looked almost-out-of place... Really impressed
  9. Must've been a really high quality cast, if he can just "take it off". ...And people whinge about others not wearing helmets being stupid
  10. It wasn't as bad as this - but my first pair of Onza forks were similar... They were at about the right height, and it worked, but the mounts were about 15mm out of vertical level.
  11. You've got a right gurn on you, haven't you
  12. Stop whinging........ People seem to be enjoying it so far
  13. Unbranded old XC pedals are under-rated.
  14. You realise you need a BMX King, right? A normal King is 135mm, and your profile says you're a mod rider, which only has 116.
  15. Errrrr.... Over the slave pistons Hadn't thought about that. I understand now It's be Ok for you.... Just go through the scaffolding
  16. Oh... I pretty much KNEW somone would happen along and piss on my fire... Haha. I started making this before I'd read your posts - so it's invalid now - but I had fun making it
  17. I know there's others... Seriously... Especially with the TP... What's the point in having a top-tube seperated from the downtube? And even chainstays seperated from the "seat"stays. I know Koxx tried one - but I haven't heard anything about that for a long time.... The TP is the prime example, really. They're as good as one tube anyway. Just make the frame a Y-shape... with a kink in it where the stays join the downtube - save having that drop-down bit that Koxx effort had. Is it all to do with pressures, or something? I don't know much about different metals etc - so forgive me that... but still.... If the TP can get away with that much.... why not?
  18. Y'know - I don't see why people keep banging on about this... I'm sure he knows the dangers of what he's doing. He's riding big stuff - so probably has been riding for a while.... It's completely upto him if he wants to protect himself of not. Just imposing that little bit more facism, people grumbling about helmets, really. Again... get over it. He's doing what he wants to do... Leave him to it - it's his own fault if he kills himself. Also - give him respect for the sheer size of his bollocks I was big impressed with them - and glad that they weren't all in massive fisheye, for once Go get you're Kamel. You deserve it.
  19. @Joe's pictures.... I thought I'd like one in black and green - but I much prefer the white and gold
  20. Was he mentally ill, atall? Or just incredibly abstract? The sort of person I admire, whichever way.
  21. DANNY! Can we please have a reputation system? I've found a few posts that really deserve winning something recentley - and this tops the lot!
  22. Or try being a pioneeer for a bit, and go for white and gold
  23. Nothing. Either it's not arrived, and he already knew that's a risk you run - buying on the internet - or, it has arrived, and he's trying to con you. You do nothing. It's his problem. You've sent it - can you not get a picture of the reciept? Or is that why it's a bad thing that you only sent it first class?
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